I never felt that I was "educated" in my college years getting a BS and MS in engineering. Part of that (realistically, a fairly small part) was my fault, but I did not know any better. My "education" consisted more of being taught stuff, and learning stuff I was taught, than in actually being asked hard questions and then having to go off and figure it out, with guidance from a prof. I actually did very well at that. Then I went to MIT. About 3 weeks into the first semester I had an "Oh S???" moment when I realized I knew a lot of stuff but had no idea how to use it,and really did not know how to learn on my own. I had this epiphany that it was now up to me to teach myself, using various resources available (profs, fellow students, the library, etc, books, etc.). I actually had to work at it, and it was hard and not very pleasant, mostly. This was apparently the general mode of the place, very different from where I had been. I did recall that one of my favorite profs in engineering school had been BS/MS/ScD at MIT, and at that point I also realized I should have paid more attention to the guy and used him more. I survived the year or so, and it was the worst best thing I have ever done.

So to this day I continue to educate myself about various things, even from Chairman Mao's Little Red Book...


On 2/3/2011 8:51 PM, Mountain Man wrote:
--R wrote:
Never really did
much aerospace-type work...
Like I said - my first boss had aeronautics from ND but PhD in civil.
Ya kinda wonder how many in aeronautics education make a living in
that.  Aeronautics offers a nice cache in feel good way... but perhaps
is useless except for a very few number of desk farm wannabe types.

I'm glad you have had the opportunity to buffalo us here at mbz...
What's the line? - if you can't ...fib... them with your ...fib...,
dazzle them with your ???

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