Re: [MBZ] Preventive Maintenance

2006-01-28 Thread Rich Thomas

With nitrogen, pure, not the 80% stuff you get for free.


Richard Murdoch wrote:

No point in doing all that unless you change the air in the tires.  Should 
probably do it at least twice to flush them.

Richard Murdoch


Don't forget the wheel fuses and OE snogulator grease!

  Marshall Booth (who doesn't respond to unsigned questions)
  "der Dieseling Doktor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
'87 300TD 182Kmi, '84 190D 2.2 229Kmi, '85 190D 2.0 161Kmi, '87 190D 2.5 
turbo 237kmi

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Re: [MBZ] Preventive Maintenance

2006-01-27 Thread Curt Raymond
Yeah Fuses
  I'm doing the PM thing with my 190D this weekend. This will be stage 1, that 
is the stuff I'll do myself, quickie lube (which I acutally trust, surprise 
surprise) will do phase 2.
  So I'm going to change the fuses, change the oil to Mobil 1 5w40, change the 
PS Fluid and fuel filters.
  Is there a primer pump on a 201? Mines a '85 2.2l if it makes any difference. 
I think I'd read that the 201 was self priming but I'm not sure. My Chiltons (I 
know, its garbage but it was free) only goes up to '84 and indicates there is a 
primer pump so I'm confused...
  I'm sure theres something else I've planned but I can't remember. Oh wait, 
oil cap gasket and hood strut.
  Phase 2 includes the rear diff and coolant. The quickie lube doesn't carry MB 
coolant but will put in whatever I bring with me. I'm actually pondering 
putting in the green stuff for a few months as a flush and then switching to 
the MB stuff. I don't dare put in just water for a flush because its way too 
cold, 11F this morning, so if I had to leave it in overnight even it'd be very 
easy to get myself into trouble.
  Brakes were already done by my Indy. Is it just me or is the parking brake 
system on the 201 not as robust as the 123? My 2 123's and the other 2 123s 
I've driven all had good parking brakes. The 2 201s I've driven both had 
non-functioning ones.
  Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 18:32:12 -0800
From: Desert Rat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Preventive Maintenance
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Fuses you guys, fuses.

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The last time I was in LA I had like a 4am flight out of Long Beach, I'd had a 
flat tire early in the week so the POS Pontiac I had was rolling on the donut 
  I left the hotel at something like 2am. I can't remember the highway I was on 
but it was going at like 90mph. I figured I'd better keep up or else but 
traffic was light so I limited myself to 85mph because of the donut spare.
  Then I had to get onto another highway (again I can't remember the number) 
and got stuck for awhile because of an accident and ended up doing 110mph at 
one point (and just keeping up) to make up time...
I was just talking to one of my co-workers about crazy driving, he was telling 
me about driving a stretch in NYC which was nerve wracking but apparently 
nothing compared to just driving at all in Mexico City or Kuala Lampur.
  Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 23:40:01 -0600
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Subject: Re: [MBZ] Bike rider, loud pipes
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No joke on t

Re: [MBZ] Preventive Maintenance

2006-01-27 Thread Marshall Booth

Dave M. wrote:

Hi Don,

Drain the diff while hot. Remove the FILL plug first, to make sure it
will come out, before you remove the drain plug! Refill with Mobil-1
(of course). Schedule a change every 30-60kmi, depending on your

For power steering, I'd use the OE Mercedes fluid, and change the
filter while you're at it. Suck the reservoir dry, remove filter. Fill
with fresh fluid (will take maybe 1/2 quart at most), run engine &
turn wheels lock to lock several times. Repeat. Do this about 4 times
so you've run 2 bottle of fluid through, and you'll have about 90% new
fluid in the system. Install new filter. Check level the next day when

A wheel bearing repack wouldn't hurt, but it's a tedious job if you're
fastidious like me. Use the OE dealer "neon green" grease, comes in a
150g tube, enough for both front wheels. Oh, I'd also replace any
coolant hoses that are original - cheap insurance. After that, get
some new muffler bearings and convert to synthetic headlight fluid,
and you're all set!

Don't forget the wheel fuses and OE snogulator grease!

  Marshall Booth (who doesn't respond to unsigned questions)
  "der Dieseling Doktor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
'87 300TD 182Kmi, '84 190D 2.2 229Kmi, '85 190D 2.0 161Kmi, '87 190D 2.5 
turbo 237kmi

Re: [MBZ] Preventive Maintenance

2006-01-27 Thread OK Don
AH   Can't BELIEVE I forgot that!

On 1/26/06, Desert Rat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Fuses you guys, fuses.

Norman, OK
'90 300D 243K, Rattled
'87 300SDL 290K, Limo Lite, or blue car
'81 240D 173K, Gramps, or yellow car
'78 450SLC 67K, brown car
'97 Ply Grand Voyager 78K Van Go

Re: [MBZ] Preventive Maintenance

2006-01-27 Thread Desert Rat
Fuses you guys, fuses.

On 1/26/06, OK Don <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Most of the stuff has been addressed already, but --
> Engine oil and filter --
> Check the brake pads and rotors.
> New brake rubber hoses
> Torque the wheel bolts - most are way over tight from tire changing
> monkeys with air hammer wrenches.
> On 1/26/06, Donald Snook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am going through the list to figure out if there is anything I need to
> > do on my car as far PM.  I am still excited about getting it, so I want
> > to strike while the iron is hot.
> >
> >
> >
> > Here is a list of things I think should be done on Mercedes.
> >
> >
> >
> > Brake Fluid ChangeDone
> >
> > Coolant Flush and Fill Done
> >
> > Transmission Service Done
> >
> > Fuel Filter  Done
> >
> > Air FilterDone
> >
> > Replace Spark Plugs  Done
> >
> > Suspension components are all new.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > What about servicing the rear diff?  Can I just suck out the old stuff
> > with a topsider and then top it off?
> >
> >
> >
> > The only thing I can think that has not been done is Power Steering
> > Fluid Flush.  What kind of fluid should I use for this?
> >
> >
> >
> > Any other thoughts?  Am I leaving something out?
> >
> >
> >
> > Donald H. Snook
> >
> > 1990 300SEL 123K
> >
> > ___
> >
> > For new parts see official list sponsor:
> > For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:
> >
> >
> --
> OK Don, KD5NRO
> Norman, OK
> '90 300D 243K, Rattled
> '87 300SDL 290K, Limo Lite, or blue car
> '81 240D 173K, Gramps, or yellow car
> '78 450SLC 67K, brown car
> '97 Ply Grand Voyager 78K Van Go
> ___
> For new parts see official list sponsor:
> For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

John Freer
Palm Springs, CA
1992 500 SEL 140K "Stardust"
1985 380SL 145K "Blue Belle"

Re: [MBZ] Preventive Maintenance

2006-01-27 Thread OK Don
Most of the stuff has been addressed already, but --

Engine oil and filter --
Check the brake pads and rotors.
New brake rubber hoses
Torque the wheel bolts - most are way over tight from tire changing
monkeys with air hammer wrenches.

On 1/26/06, Donald Snook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am going through the list to figure out if there is anything I need to
> do on my car as far PM.  I am still excited about getting it, so I want
> to strike while the iron is hot.
> Here is a list of things I think should be done on Mercedes.
> Brake Fluid ChangeDone
> Coolant Flush and Fill Done
> Transmission Service Done
> Fuel Filter  Done
> Air FilterDone
> Replace Spark Plugs  Done
> Suspension components are all new.
> What about servicing the rear diff?  Can I just suck out the old stuff
> with a topsider and then top it off?
> The only thing I can think that has not been done is Power Steering
> Fluid Flush.  What kind of fluid should I use for this?
> Any other thoughts?  Am I leaving something out?
> Donald H. Snook
> 1990 300SEL 123K
> ___
> For new parts see official list sponsor:
> For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

Norman, OK
'90 300D 243K, Rattled
'87 300SDL 290K, Limo Lite, or blue car
'81 240D 173K, Gramps, or yellow car
'78 450SLC 67K, brown car
'97 Ply Grand Voyager 78K Van Go

Re: [MBZ] Preventive Maintenance

2006-01-27 Thread Chuck Landenberger

On Jan 26, 2006, at 4:40 PM, Dave M. wrote:

 After that, get some new muffler bearings and convert to synthetic  
headlight fluid, and you're all set!

Hey Dave.

You have them in stock???  I'll need some next week..

Take care and going to get the 16V "Princess" tomorrow...

Bye for now..


Re: [MBZ] Preventive Maintenance

2006-01-26 Thread Trampas
Check brushes in alternator...


-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Dave M.
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 6:40 PM
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Preventive Maintenance

Hi Don,

Drain the diff while hot. Remove the FILL plug first, to make sure it
will come out, before you remove the drain plug! Refill with Mobil-1
(of course). Schedule a change every 30-60kmi, depending on your

For power steering, I'd use the OE Mercedes fluid, and change the
filter while you're at it. Suck the reservoir dry, remove filter. Fill
with fresh fluid (will take maybe 1/2 quart at most), run engine &
turn wheels lock to lock several times. Repeat. Do this about 4 times
so you've run 2 bottle of fluid through, and you'll have about 90% new
fluid in the system. Install new filter. Check level the next day when

A wheel bearing repack wouldn't hurt, but it's a tedious job if you're
fastidious like me. Use the OE dealer "neon green" grease, comes in a
150g tube, enough for both front wheels. Oh, I'd also replace any
coolant hoses that are original - cheap insurance. After that, get
some new muffler bearings and convert to synthetic headlight fluid,
and you're all set!


-Dave M.

> --
> Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 15:28:06 -0600
> From: "Donald Snook" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [MBZ] Preventive Maintenance
> What about servicing the rear diff?  Can I just suck out the old stuff
> with a topsider and then top it off?
> The only thing I can think that has not been done is Power Steering
> Fluid Flush.  What kind of fluid should I use for this?
> Any other thoughts?  Am I leaving something out?
> Donald H. Snook
> 1990 300SEL 123K

For new parts see official list sponsor:
For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Version: 7.1.375 / Virus Database: 267.14.23/240 - Release Date: 1/25/2006

Re: [MBZ] Preventive Maintenance

2006-01-26 Thread Dave M.
Hi Don,

Drain the diff while hot. Remove the FILL plug first, to make sure it
will come out, before you remove the drain plug! Refill with Mobil-1
(of course). Schedule a change every 30-60kmi, depending on your

For power steering, I'd use the OE Mercedes fluid, and change the
filter while you're at it. Suck the reservoir dry, remove filter. Fill
with fresh fluid (will take maybe 1/2 quart at most), run engine &
turn wheels lock to lock several times. Repeat. Do this about 4 times
so you've run 2 bottle of fluid through, and you'll have about 90% new
fluid in the system. Install new filter. Check level the next day when

A wheel bearing repack wouldn't hurt, but it's a tedious job if you're
fastidious like me. Use the OE dealer "neon green" grease, comes in a
150g tube, enough for both front wheels. Oh, I'd also replace any
coolant hoses that are original - cheap insurance. After that, get
some new muffler bearings and convert to synthetic headlight fluid,
and you're all set!


-Dave M.

> --
> Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 15:28:06 -0600
> From: "Donald Snook" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [MBZ] Preventive Maintenance
> What about servicing the rear diff?  Can I just suck out the old stuff
> with a topsider and then top it off?
> The only thing I can think that has not been done is Power Steering
> Fluid Flush.  What kind of fluid should I use for this?
> Any other thoughts?  Am I leaving something out?
> Donald H. Snook
> 1990 300SEL 123K

Re: [MBZ] Preventive Maintenance

2006-01-26 Thread Potter, Tom E
How long since the front wheel bearings were packed?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Donald Snook
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 3:28 PM
Subject: [MBZ] Preventive Maintenance

I am going through the list to figure out if there is anything I need to
do on my car as far PM.  I am still excited about getting it, so I want
to strike while the iron is hot. 


Here is a list of things I think should be done on Mercedes.  


Brake Fluid ChangeDone

Coolant Flush and Fill Done

Transmission Service Done 

Fuel Filter  Done

Air FilterDone

Replace Spark Plugs  Done

Suspension components are all new. 



What about servicing the rear diff?  Can I just suck out the old stuff
with a topsider and then top it off?  


The only thing I can think that has not been done is Power Steering
Fluid Flush.  What kind of fluid should I use for this? 


Any other thoughts?  Am I leaving something out? 


Donald H. Snook

1990 300SEL 123K 

For new parts see official list sponsor:
For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:

Re: [MBZ] Preventive Maintenance Question

2006-01-06 Thread Lee Levitt
It's *preventive* maintenance.

Or is it preventive maintetanance.

Inquiring minds wan't tu now.

