I am posting this message to both this list and the
LoneMersenneHunters group on Yahoo...

As of this date... I have told by 6 people... that they
would like to do work in this range... (that I had
previously stated I was testing)... and have started
doing work... some of which is being duplicated... :-(

If you would REALLY like to work in this range... if
only hoping to discover what MIGHT be a mersenne prime...
please contact me... and let me know what you are doing...
(and any results)... so that work is NOT being duplicated
unnecessarily... Even on a Athlon running at 1333MHz...
it takes a full week to trial-factor to 2^69... if no
factor is found... several days for P-1... and at least
8 mos. to LL-Test...

I DO NOT have any problems with people wanting to do
work in this range... but please note... there is NO
GUARANTEE that a mersenne prime exists in this range...
and I assume NO LIABILITY if there is NOT!!!  But
please... let's work together... and cooperate... and



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