* This class adds a general method to collect data across recipes.
* The output is a conf file which can be parsed by the bitbake parser.
* Basic routines are made available to extract data from the output.

Signed-off-by: Jacob Stiffler <j-stiff...@ti.com>
 meta-arago-distro/classes/recipe-data.bbclass | 100 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 100 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 meta-arago-distro/classes/recipe-data.bbclass

diff --git a/meta-arago-distro/classes/recipe-data.bbclass 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be1db1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-arago-distro/classes/recipe-data.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# This class will record certain information about dependent recipes to a conf
+# file. This way it can be retrieved by other recipes. For example, this can be
+# used to obtain the SRC_URI for the SDK's SW manifest.
+# Configuration file to record the recipe data.
+RECIPE_DATA_FILE ?= "${TMPDIR}/recipe_data.conf"
+# Variables to record
+# Helper to load the data from the conf file
+def recipe_data_load(d, recipe_data = bb.data.init()):
+    fn = d.getVar('RECIPE_DATA_FILE', True)
+    if not fn:
+        bb.fatal('"RECIPE_DATA_FILE" is not defined!')
+    if os.path.exists(fn):
+        with bb.utils.fileslocked([fn + '.lock']):
+            try:
+                bb.parse.handle(fn, recipe_data)
+            except Exception as e:
+                bb.warn('ERROR parsing "%s"' % fn)
+                bb.fatal(str(e))
+    return recipe_data
+def recipe_data_get_var(var, pn, d):
+    if var not in (d.getVar('RECIPE_DATA_VARS', True) or '').split():
+        bb.fatal('Variable "%s" was not configured to be recored' % var)
+    recipe_data = recipe_data_load(d)
+    return recipe_data.getVar('%s_pn-%s' % (var,pn), True)
+# Add a shell variety so that it can work in shell tasks
+# *** In shell tasks, inline python will be executed during parsing, so shell
+# *** variables passed as input.
+recipe_data_get_var_sh() {
+    local pn="$1"
+    local var="$2"
+    sed -ne 's|'$var'_pn-'$pn'[ \t]*=[ \t]*"\(.*\)"[ \t]*$|\1|p' 
+# Update the conf file with a new data.
+# Variables such as "FILE" and "TOPDIR" are filtered out by default.
+def recipe_data_update(fn, update_data, var_blacklist = ['__.*', 'FILE', 
'TOPDIR'], expand = False):
+    import re
+    recipe_data = bb.data.init()
+    # Create the regex to filter out variables
+    re_blacklist = re.compile('^' + '$|^'.join(var_blacklist) + '$')
+    with bb.utils.fileslocked([fn + '.lock']):
+        try:
+            bb.parse.handle(fn, recipe_data)
+        except:
+            pass
+        for var in update_data.keys():
+            recipe_data.setVar(var, update_data.getVar(var,expand))
+        # We could use bb.data_smart's built in "emit_var", but that gives
+        # unnecessary comments.
+        with open(fn, "w") as f:
+            for var in recipe_data.keys():
+                if not re_blacklist.match(var):
+                    f.write('%s = "%s"\n' % (var, 
+addtask emit_recipe_data
+do_emit_recipe_data[nostamp] = "1"
+python do_emit_recipe_data(){
+    recipe_vars = (d.getVar('RECIPE_DATA_VARS', True) or '').split()
+    recipe_data_file = d.getVar('RECIPE_DATA_FILE', True)
+    pn = d.getVar('PN', True) or bb.fatal('"PN" is not defined!')
+    data = bb.data.init()
+    # Set pn-${PN} to the overrides for convenience
+    data.setVar('OVERRIDES', 'pn-${PN}')
+    for var in recipe_vars:
+        val = d.getVar(var, True) or ''
+        data.setVar('%s_pn-%s' % (var, pn), val)
+    recipe_data_update(recipe_data_file, data)
+# Add empty task to control dependencies
+addtask emit_recipe_data_all after do_emit_recipe_data
+do_emit_recipe_data_all[noexec] = "1"
+do_emit_recipe_data_all[nostamp] = "1"
+do_emit_recipe_data_all[recrdeptask] = "do_emit_recipe_data_all 
+do_emit_recipe_data_all[recideptask] = "do_${BB_DEFAULT_TASK}"
+do_emit_recipe_data_all() {
+    :

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