I asked a few days ago for some advice about MetaCard vs. Director, 
because I have a potential client who wants to do a cd-rom business card, 
and several computer based training projects. The job is apparently mine 
but for this MetaCard vs. Director thing.

Every resume they've received, except for mine, focuses on Director. The 
client has never heard of MetaCard. The client asked one of the other 
people who interviewed with them if _they_ had heard of MetaCard; they 
said no.

So I'm in the position of either convincing the client somehow that 
MetaCard is the way they should go, or losing the work. Things that would 
help include:

Any commercial products developed with MetaCard that the client might 
have heard of. Commercial products created in SuperCard or HyperCard 
would probably also help, but not as much. (I already told them Myst was 
developed in HyperCard)

Is anyone doing serious computer based training work in MetaCard, that 
can offer some "voice of experience" quotes?

Finally, how many MetaCard developers are in the Los Angeles, California 
area? The client wants to know what they would do if I were suddenly 
unavailable, and they needed more work done, or modifications to some of 
the work I did.

Thanks to anyone who can contribute to this effort. When it's done, I'll 
put together a compilation of the information and make it available to 
the list.



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