Hey Richard

Good to see you are still around. :)  Are things well with you?

Thank you for the code. I'm getting an error:

uniEncode: bad parameter
Expression: missing ")" before factor

cursor is at the end of the code (at the X):
uniEncode(tData, *X*"UTF8")


On 2010-10-07 00:50, Richard Gaskin wrote:
On 10/6/10 3:38 PM, Eva Isotalo wrote:
Thanks Shari, good to hear it's still alive.
I have temporarily solved it by running through the file and replacing
the "bad" letters. Done in a wink but not pretty. :)

Try this:

  put url ("binfile:"& tFilePath) into tData
  set the unicodeText of fld "MyField" to uniencode(tData, "UTF8")

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World
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