Hey everyone! Here's a new build of the VW that incorporates some neat new
features and a bug fix:


- Automatic Opening and/or Closing of the VW
    Added to the context menu in the VW is two menu items that let you
control if you want the VW automatically opened when debugging starts (i.e.
hitting a breakpoint), as well as automatically closed when debugging ends
(cancelling, aborting, closing the script window, etc.).

- Debugging Menu Keys Now Work!
    Actually I can only claim this in my tests so far, but I have added code
that will make sure that the focus on the script is retained and "jiggled
the handle" on the Debug menu so that you can use menukey right after
opening the VW and throughout your use of the VW.
    Since I'm not making modifications to the Script Editor myself yet, you
won't get this benefit if you don't bring up the VW, but if you're debugging
and stepping line by line, it is unlikely that you have the VW closed! :-)

Bug Fix:

- The feature added in v10 where you can wave the mouse over the fields in
the VW to force a refresh worked, but sometimes *too well*... I encountered
situations where it interfered with the normal while-I'm-debugging refresh
that automatically happens by the VW, as well as also getting in the way
when trying to keep the hilite on a selected variable so I can copy the
contents for use elsewhere.
    So this was fixed by (a) only happening when the VW was "idle" (i.e. not
during debugging and only when displaying globals), and (b) only refreshing
if the Command key is down when you pass the mouse over.
    Try it out and let me know if you like/don't like this approach...

Also in v11 is a restructured Read Me file that is clearer on what needs to
be done, especially when it requires editing the MetaCard Menu Bar scripts.

To get the VW, go to the MC_IDE group:


Click on the Files link in the left nav bar and download the
"VariableWatcher11.zip" file. Installation instructions are included.


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/

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