Hi folks,

remember the trouble of missing pixel of stacks
in a certain monitor resolution?

After a few hours of stress and getting grey hair too early,
i found, that the following handler will do the job for me.

I had trouble to display a 1024*768 stack
correctly on a 1024*768 monitor (iMac and Powerbook and MAC-only!!!)
without decorations and menubar but with backdrop.

Now this script works for me and my needs:

on preOpenStack
  set the windowboundingrect to 0,0,1024,768   # ugly hack, isn't it?
  set the decorations of me to empty
  set the backdrop to black
  hide menubar
  set the loc of me to 512,384         ## just to be sure
  set the rect of me to 0,0,1024,768  ##to see the whole stack
  get the effective filename of this stack
  set the itemdel to "/"
  delete last item of it
  set the directory to it  #routine to make trelative paths work
end preOpenStack

If you are having similar trouble, check this script, modify it
to your needs and be happy (hopefully...)!!!

Of course you have to check if it is a bigger monitor
than 1024*768, to display that stack properly...
(No big fun if the stack displays in the upperleft corner
of a bigger monitor ;-)


MetaScape GmbH

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