Hi Richard:

>Any way to make a palette in MC with the drag region on the left side rather
>than the top?
>If not in the box, anyone have a cross-platform external for this?

I cannot help with a true palette, but this may be an option and it is

Create a graphic as a 'false grab-bar' and set the script to the following:

local tGrab,xOff,yOff

on mouseDown
  put "true" into tGrab
  put item 1 of the loc of this cd - item 1 of the mouseLoc into xOff
  put item 2 of the loc of this cd - item 2 of the mouseLoc into yOff
end mouseDown

on mouseMove
  if tGrab then
    if the mouse is "up" then
      put "false" into tGrab
      exit mouseMove
    end if
    put item 1 of the screenMouseLoc into smLoc1
    put item 2 of the screenMouseLoc into smLoc2
    set the loc of this stack to smLoc1+xOff,smLoc2+yOff
  end if
end mouseMove


Hugh Senior

The Flexible Learning Company
Consultant Programming & Software Solutions
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