1.  The Metacard 2.4.3 reference stack entry for "mainStack" says that
"stacks created with the create or clone commands become substacks of the
topStack."  Is this true?  The clone becomes the top stack.  I don't see it
listed among the substacks of the (previous) top stack, and when I check its
own properties the "Main Stack..." button shows it as its own main stack.
And when use the Metacard "Save" command the dialog seems to be trying to
save it as its own stack.  I am happy with this behavior and wouldn't really
want it to be a substack, but am wondering if I misunderstand the reference

2.  I don't know if the following problem is related to #1 or not, but can
somebody see what I'm doing wrong?  I want to clone a stack that is a
substack of the current top stack, let the user choose a name and path, and
then save the clone under that name at that path.  My script:

    ask file "Name for the new file?" with "Untitled"
    put it into longName
    set itemDelimiter to "/"
    put last item of longName into shortName
    clone stack "ATCMO" -- my model stack, which is a substack of the top
    set the name of it to shortName -- ** SEE NOTE BELOW
    save stack shortName as longName

** This is the line that's not working as I expect.  My model stack gets
cloned, with "Copy of ATCMO" in the title bar.  But the next line does not
manage to change its name, and so the last line can't save a stack that
doesn't exist.

Many thanks.

David Epstein

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