Re: [meteorite-list] Mars Exploration Rovers Update - February 27, 2004

2004-03-02 Thread STUARTATK
In a message dated 28/02/2004 01:13:08 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: The microscopic imager also took three sets of observations of the hole created by the rock abrasion tool on sol 30. Opportunity later took stereo images of the rock area named "Maya" Does anyone know if this

Re: [meteorite-list] MARS NEWS

2004-03-02 Thread STUARTATK
In a message dated 02/03/2004 18:03:08 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: So, what's the Mars news that is so secret, Stromatolites? Banded Irons? Frozen water? Who knows sompthin? Take a wander over to the Forums (specifically Unmanned Probes / Spirit Opportunity 1 / 2 / 3 4 ) at

[meteorite-list] Russell's meteorites - presentation

2004-01-23 Thread STUARTATK
Hi all, Firstly, apologies for not telling you all about this sooner; it's just been a crazy week with all the drama on and around Mars, my phone's never stopped ringing with schools asking me to give them talks featuring all the latest news from Beagle, Spirit, Opportunity and Mars Express. But

[meteorite-list] re Russell's meteorites

2004-01-09 Thread STUARTATK
Quick update for everyone who's wondered what's happened with this... Thanks to a combination of school holidays, Russell being off school ill, and packages arriving spread-out over time, I've been unable to present Russell with his meteorite gifts yet, but that is now due to happen exactly a

Re: [meteorite-list] RI Christmas Lectures

2004-01-05 Thread STUARTATK
In a message dated 05/01/2004 14:10:30 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Anyone else in the UK see this? Yep, very good it was too. Don't think it was "dumbed down", I think it was accurately aimed at the young audience. Stu

Re: [meteorite-list] New to List: Intro

2004-01-04 Thread STUARTATK
Hi Anita, and welcome to the List! With new meteorites from Mars being found, and rovers exploring the red planet too, you've certainly chosen a VERY exciting time to join-up - good to have you with us :-) You're going to find membership of this little family fascinating and rewarding, I promise,

Re: [meteorite-list] Christmas Day Mars Landing (Beagle 2)

2003-12-18 Thread STUARTATK
Hi, Here in the UK anticipation is building up in advance of Beagle 2's separation from the MARS EXPRESS orbiter later today. Beagle 2 is only small - same diameter as a bicycle wheel in fact - but it's packed with science instruments. With two out of every three probes sent to Mars so far

Re: [meteorite-list] Proud Tom is Back!

2003-12-08 Thread STUARTATK
Spiderman... Cool! Ain't free speech wonderful? :-) Stu

[meteorite-list] Aurora from UK

2003-11-21 Thread STUARTATK
Wow...!! Just back in from *three hours* of constant aurora watching... just gorgeous from Cockermouth, it had it all - a beautiful, strawberry-milk-shake red corona; almost cherry-red beams, slanting up from the NW to overhead; row after row of green-white rays, turning the sky into a huge

[meteorite-list] Update: Russell meteorite donations

2003-11-19 Thread STUARTATK
Hi all, Following my weekend posting about my school talk and meeting Russell, I contacted the school to let them know about the wonderfully generous offers many List members made, asking the teachers there to check with Russell's parents that it was okay. Here's the response: A big thank you

[meteorite-list] Back to Earth...

2003-11-16 Thread STUARTATK
Hi all, I've enjoyed the Proud Tom saga as much as anyone... some might say there was an element of natural justice there... but yes, it's time to move on. Besides, I'm sure that like our very own King Arthur, Proud Tom will rise again when his people truly need him... ;-) Just thought that some

Re: [meteorite-list] Back to Earth...

2003-11-16 Thread STUARTATK
Hi all, Well...! Frankly I'm a little overwhelmed by the response to my account of Friday's school visit. I never expected that reaction; I was just hoping to remind everyone of how lucky we are to do, and be "in this" together, but the offers of donations have been quite amazing - not

[meteorite-list] OT: Aurora #2

2003-10-30 Thread STUARTATK
Hi all, Thawing-out here after standing in a field for the past *5* hours, watching a beautiful aurora... made up for the frustration and disappointment of last night! At 7.30pm the entire northern half of the sky was a strange, milky blue/green colour, very odd-looking... after an hour or so

[meteorite-list] Thanks...

2003-10-29 Thread STUARTATK
... to everyone who took the time to email me re. my plea for help with tonight's talk. I was sent details of some v useful websites, and now have more than enough labels etc to camouflage my lack of meteorite-related geological knowledge! Thanks everyone - proof, again, of what a useful

[meteorite-list] Aurora as seen from UK

2003-10-29 Thread STUARTATK
Hi guys, Just got back in from watching the aurora (my talk went v well by the way! Thanks again to everyone who helped!) and it's been pretty impressive... I say *been* because the Lake District is now totally blanketted with cloud and mist - but the aurora is still visible as a very pale,

[meteorite-list] Help needed!

2003-10-28 Thread STUARTATK
Hi gang, Would appreciate some help here... I'm giving a talk to a few dozen members of a Geological Society tomorrow night, at a big museum in Carlisle, and I am sure I'm going to be bombarded with hard-science questions rather than my usual "what's your favourite planet?" and "how do you go to

Re: [meteorite-list] Found a new Mars book!

2003-10-21 Thread STUARTATK
In a message dated 21/10/2003 23:20:19 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Has anybody else seen this book or has any list member participated in compiling this book? I bought this book a couple of weeks ago and agree, it's a superb guide to Mars - which it should be, given the

Re: [MeteoriteCollectors] Re: [meteorite-list] Re: Pardon me, dude

2003-10-12 Thread STUARTATK
In a message dated 12/10/2003 11:43:34 GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I hope other Italians are not like you. Mike, As my best friend - who now lives in Italy - married an Italian girl, and I was lucky enough to be invited over there to be his Best Man and had an amazing time (I

Re: [meteorite-list] Re: Pardon me, dude

2003-10-12 Thread STUARTATK
In a message dated 12/10/2003 19:45:49 GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I receive a lot of off list email from individual (newcomers to the list) who are afraid to post anything for fear of being the target of someone's anger. Well hopefully the measured responses they've read today

Re: [meteorite-list] India report #2.

2003-10-10 Thread STUARTATK
Mike, Just wanted to thank you for taking me - and everyone else on the List - along with you on your latest hunting adventure. I'm one of the, shall we say, "less well off" members of the List, and I can't afford to jump on a plane and do an Indiana Jones like you do, so it is always a treat to

Re: [meteorite-list] New Asteroid Threat Seen (Asteroid 2003 QQ47)

2003-09-02 Thread STUARTATK
It has been an absolutely CRAZY day here in the UK since this story broke early this morning. I swear every radio and TV news programme has featured a "Doomsday Approacheth!" piece, accompanied by comments from "an astronomer" or "space expert", who without fail tried desperately to reassure the

Re: [meteorite-list] Mars Odyssey PAULI Impressions / Humor Alert

2003-08-16 Thread STUARTATK
Enjoyed reading about your Mars observations Pauli! I was doing exactly the same thing early this morning, at around 3.00am. :-) Set the alarm on my mobile phone, positioning it right beside my head so I wouldn't sleep through it, and within 5mins of it trilling I was tiptoeing out into the

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite hunting in the UK...

2003-06-11 Thread STUARTATK
Hi Mark, Well, *my* meteorite hunting - up here in the Lake District in the north of England - consists of checking each and every dry stone wall (not just Hadrian's) whenever I'm out walking or hiking. Always have a magnet on me, and my digital camera so I'm ready to document any possible

Re: [meteorite-list] wow.what did start!!

2003-04-03 Thread STUARTATK
In a message dated 03/04/03 18:03:28 GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Yes Steve.. congratulations. Your Fairy Godmother finally delivered your most fondest wish and you have been the in the spotlight and the center of attention you have always craved. Congratulations on your finds,

Re: [meteorite-list] Really poor taste fake pictures of shuttle

2003-03-14 Thread STUARTATK
For pity's sake, why are we giving even a MOMENT's publicity to these sickos on this List? Why are we even MENTIONING these pictures when it's obvious to anyone with even a hint of intelligence that they're cruel, perverse fakes by twisted Armageddon screenshot-grabbing idiots with even less

[meteorite-list] Meteorite Education (or the lack of)

2003-02-10 Thread STUARTATK
Hi all, Just thought I'd share a funny / rather disturbing meteorite-related experience I had on Friday afternoon. I went to another school here in the north of England, to give an astronomy presentation to a hall full of 90 kids aged 5 - 9... rather a heavy heart after recent events obviously,

[meteorite-list] Leonids from UK

2002-11-19 Thread STUARTATK
Just about thawed-out now after a late night/early morning Leonid Watch... Have to say the display was rather disappointing. Ironically, we had almost clear skies here in usually-cloudy Cumbria, for the whole of the night, so two friends and I set up camp on a quiet country lane with clear

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Fall In Sri Lanka?

2002-09-17 Thread STUARTATK
In a message dated 18/09/02 05:14:30 GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Those of you who have read Arthur C. Clarke's novel FOUNTAINS OF PARADISE will recall that this is the same giant rock that was his inspiration for the location of the anchor point for the cable for the first

[meteorite-list] Who I am??? - Revisited

2002-08-02 Thread STUARTATK
There's a recent pic of me on the below picture gallery page ("Top Of The World...") *This* is a typical Lake District scene by the way... lots of lakes, forests and the like. Not exactly easy meteorite-hunting ground! But there are *lots* of dry stone walls built out of stones plucked off the

[meteorite-list] Kaali meteorite - Estonia, 400BC?

2002-05-31 Thread STUARTATK
Hi all, Doing some research for a radio slot, and am intrigued by the "Kaali" meteorite which fell in Estonia around 400BC; in the brief net searches I've done so far I've found intriguing references to the Sun being blocked out by the impact, localised environmental devastation and even "human

[meteorite-list] re Kaali

2002-05-31 Thread STUARTATK
Thanks to everyone who has sent me info on this topic, I've got exactly what I need now :-) Another example of this List at its *best* :-)) Cheers, Stu

Re: [meteorite-list] Strange Martian Surface Feature

2002-03-06 Thread STUARTATK
In a message dated 07/03/02 05:27:08 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hoagland's extraordinary claims are not remotely supported by the evidence at hand. That is why he is considered a "nutcase". Having said that, as I understand it Mr Hoagland was one of the first people to openly

Re: [meteorite-list] First meteorite

2002-01-05 Thread STUARTATK
Well, my first meteorite was a piece of "Old Faithful", Canyon Diablo - a roughly-triangular specimen which I bought thru the post off a Midlands dealer here in the UK... wish I could remember his name... As an amateur astronomer and just-starting-out kids author (only 1 book published then) I'd