In years past, I'd see a fair number of green  meteors...mostly with the 
bright one's. Once I went thru my records and noted  the colors. I believe I 
recorded more greens with the Geminids than any other  shower.

In a message dated 1/27/2011 6:42:38 P.M. Pacific  Standard Time, writes:
>>I have been following this  discussion about so called "Green  
Fireballs".  This is nothing  unusual.  Mg I in the green region of the  
spectrum is a major  contributer  along with other lines in this  
region.  The eye  is also very sensitive to the green region.  I really  
don;t think  "green fireballs" are unusual as far as I know.  Green can  
be  also strong if fast fireballs >40 km/sec and the contributer here   
could be the forbidden line of Oxygen at 557.7 n.m.   I have  checked  
with Bob Lunsford from the AMS and Dr. Jiri Borovicka,  meteor  
scientist, at Ondrejov.   Both agree with my  comments.  Jiri's comment  
is noted below.>>  

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