Hello everyone (again),

It is now 9:30 in the morning, rather then 4:30...so hopefully my spelling improves...:^P

In 2004 I played a part in the production of a silver meteorite coin....two ounces of silver, using the NWA 267...and certified with my signature.

The story of the coin, can be found linked below and appeared in Meteorite Times (July 2005) and Photon Astronomy eZine #8 (also July 2005).


Production is at its starting stage for a second meteorite coin, with me taking the position of advisor this time, rather then supplier. They originially wanted to use Nantan...and I have since talked them into using Gibeon, which I think you will agree is for the better.

Last time the coins sold out instantly and they now sell around $250-300. I will guess they are six months away from release....but that is a guess. But something to keep an eye out for.

Clear Skies,
Mark Bostick

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