It is a nice piece with some really thick crust and an unusual black inclusion.
I'll sell it for $350(shipped), that is under $90/g. It will probably go fast 
so if your thinking about it you may want to be quick. All  the stuff I have 
offered before had gone really fast. 
This is the last time you will be able to get a piece of the "Kerchner Stone" 
It came from the "Known" Main Mass, a 332g stone. I thought I was out, but my 
daughter found this one under my bed, I thought it got stolen or something, I 
knew it was missing, I looked all over, but I guess I didnt do a very good job.
Anyway, here is a link to see all the photos. You can see larger images if you 
click on them.

 Best Wishes,
Joe Kerchner


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