Hello List,

I purchased a small part slice of the hard-to-find pallasite Eagle Station from Steve Arnold #1 in 2002 and have since upgraded. I will re-offer this 0.764 g part slice for well below Steve's fair initial price (I've enjoyed it a couple hundred dollars worth), and at the lowest price per gram I have ever seen for this pallasite. This is a great deal for someone who needs a small representative specimen from this group in their collection.

The Eagle Station grouplet is isotopically related to the CV parent body. As proposed by Bunch et al. (2005), this asteroid may have once comprised a silicated iron core like in NWA 176, an Eagle Station PAL core-mantle boundary, an outer lithosphere composed of a CV-affinity metachondrite like in NWA 1839 and 3133, and an Allende-like regolith.

A full description of the Eagle Station specimen being offered along with photos (click on the close-up view) can be found on the following webpage:


I'm not a big fan of ebay's fee structure so the first e-mail I receive with a commitment to purchase this specimen for $189 plus actual shipping costs will buy it. Money Orders please unless I know you; no Paypal ability, sorry. The specimen comes with a membrane box, and the shipping costs will be added commensurate with the price of a USPS Priority package with insurance to your location ($7.40 in the US).

Thanks for looking.


David Weir
Meteorite-list mailing list

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