Hello Meteorite Friends!
New specimens have been added to my for sale list, including a number of very 
lovely oriented OC’s from the early 2000’s.  Additionally, numerous specimens 
from the previous list are still available at excellent and even lower prices.
Please take a moment to see if there is anything you would like to add to your 
As usual all orders over $50 will receive free US Priority shipping, or 1st 
class International shipping.
Please contact me for photos. :-)
Hope everyone has had a great week!
John A. Shea
IMCA 3295
New Specimens:
Agoudal IIAB 12.29g uncleaned individual – Adam Bates – gem case $25
Beni Yacoub L/LL4 (Tata, Morocco) 395mg fragment – Adam Bates – suspension box 
Beni Yacoub L/LL4 (Tata, Morocco) 895mg fragment – Adam Bates – suspension box 
$80 (Some of the earliest specimens of Beni Yacoub on the market)
Bondoc Mesosiderite (Phillipines) 4.2g small full slice – Ruben Garcia – gem 
case $50
Carancas H4-5 (Peru) x11 fragments – Greg Catterton, Bob Haag no card, will 
provide my own card – suspension case $75 (some of the earliest specimens on 
the market)
Imilac Pallasite (Chile) 1.53g individual – Adam Bates – gem case $20
Mundrabilla (Australia) 16.44g individual – Gary Fujihara, no card, will 
provide my own card – gem case $25
NWA 4688 H5 3.12g individual – Stonewarehouse – gem case $15
NWA 6423 CV3 1.1g and 2.0g individuals – Lonestar Meteorites – gem case $20
Sutters Mill  CM2  (California) micros – Ruben Garcia, Shawn Alan – gem case $40
Toufassour Mesosiderite (Tata, Morocco)  3.27g fragment – Gary Fujihara – gem 
case $40
NWA XXX OC Oriented individual shield 10g w/ 100% fresh fusion crust – Steve 
Arnold, no card, will provide my own card – baggie $30
NWA XXX OC Oriented fragment 12.5g w/ 100% fresh fusion crust, small 
regmaglypts on underside – Steve Arnold, no card, will provide my own card – 
baggie  $35
NWA XXX OC Oriented individual shield 22g w/ 100% fusion crust, roll over 
lipping, slightly weathered and frothy underside – Steve Arnold, no card, will 
provide my own card – baggie $50
NWA XXX OC Oriented individual shield 36g w/ 100% fresh fusion crust, roll over 
lipping/rim on underside – Steve Arnold, no card, will provide my own card – 
baggie $75
NWA XXX OC Oriented individual shield 39.5g w/ 75% primary crust, 25% secondary 
crust, flow lines, oriented on two aspects – Mirko Graul – baggie $80
NWA XXX OC Partially oriented individual 43g w/ 95% fusion crust – Steve 
Arnold, no card, will provide my own card – baggie $60
Old Specimens:
NWA XXX OC Oriented shield fragment 57g w/ 75% fusion crust, large regmaglypt – 
Steve Arnold, no card, will provide my own card – baggie - $70
Bereba (Burkina Faso) micro lot x4 fragments = 57mg – Eucrite – Mile High 
Meteorites - $50 (exceedingly difficult to find)
Bonita Springs H5 (Florida) 0.140g part slice, NEMS, Shawn Alan, gem case $30
Datil (New Mexico) x5 fragments = 0.42g, Michael Cottingham, gem case $20
Davy (Texas) L4 4.0g part slice – Adam Bates – gem case - $20
Deming (New Mexico) H5 0.64g part slice, Michael Cottingham gem case $25
Dhofar 700 Vesiculated Diogenite <0.1g small part slice, Zachery Forestburg, 
gem case $20
Dhofar 1716 H5 1.95g part slice, Michael Cottingham, gem case $15
Dhofar 378 20mg fragment - Basaltic Shergottite – Bartoschewitz Meteorite 
Laboratory, Rainer Bartoschewitz - gem case – $40 (15g TKW)
Ensisheim LL6 22mg fragment – Mile High Meteorites – magnifying case - $35
Itqiy (Sahara) EH7-an micro, Corey Kuo, gem case $40
Juvinas Eucrite (France) micro, Zachery Forestburg, gem case $20
KT Boundary Sediment Agost Spain 1.56g fragment – Gary Fujihara – gem case - $20
KT Boundary Sediment Bidart France 1.0g fragment  - Science Mall – gem case - 
Lake Murray (South Carolina) IIB 9.6g part slice – Mile High Meteorites – gem 
case - $60 (minimal rusting, still looks good but keep with desiccant)
Long Island (Kansas 1891) 2.6g part slice – L6 – Hupe Collection – gem case – 
New Concord L6 (Ohio) 0.260g part slice, Anne Black, Shawn Alan, part slice $35
Peace River L6 (Canada) 0.122g part slice, Schooler’s, Shawn Alan, gem case $45
Steinheim Shattercone 34.68g – Gary Fujihara – baggie - $20
Valera L5 (Venezuela) <0.10g small appreciable part slice, Shawn Alan, gem case 
Yelland Dry Lake H4 (Nevada) 2.57g fragment from Meteorite Men show strewn 
field, Arizona Skies, gem case $30
NWA 869 L4-6 Oriented 4.61g individual, Polandmet.com, gem case $30
NWA 2626 Olivine Phyric Shergotite x4 subgram fragments, and some micros – Hupe 
Collection – specimen jar $35
NWA 4587 Ung Achondrite 0.170g part slice, Adam Bates, gem case $35
NWA 4884 Lunar Regolith Breccia 104mg part slice – The Hupe Collection – gem 
case - $45 (42g TKW)
NWA 6075 Londrite Breccia 0.11g fragment, Big Kahuna, gem case $30
NWA 6704 Ungrouped Achondrite 1.40g part slice – The Hupe Collection – gem case 
- $40
NWA 6827 CO3 0.57g part slice, Sergey Vasiliev, gem case $20
NWA 6953 Mesosiderite 1.7g fragment – Galactic Stone, no card, w/ label – gem 
case - $25
NWA 7133 CO3.2 x1 fragment, x5 small part slices = 1.1g, will provide my own 
card, gem case $25
NWA 7831 Diogenite 7g cleaned fragment – The Hupe Collection – gem case - $30
NWA 7998 L5 11.32g part slice, Michael Cottingham, baggie $15
NWA XXXX Stony-Iron 3.6g individual, Adam Bates, gem case $25

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