Fell 27 July 2018
Southern Madagascar

As many of you know, I have been working with the finders on this fall since September of last year. They have been very tough with the price and the pieces I bought will still be reflective of that. The money they made has gone right back into improving the way of life for all the people in the town by means of wells, solar, etc. There have been no more finds since December and they are done looking. Not willing to buy it all, they have asked me to consign the remainder of the fall as they move on to their next project mining sapphires. In need of quick cash for startup costs they have given me some room to wiggle.

This is the last of it, if any of them interest you we can discuss creative solutions to get one in your hands.

Pieces available for this sale are at the the following link:

An account from my suppliers:


Hours of the fall Around 8 pm, on the evening of Friday, July 27, 2018.

The actual fall

It was a peaceful early evening with clear skies. The southern Malagasy part is in the middle of the dry and hot season. The moon appeared on the horizon in its full moon, dominating all the countryside, without electricity, with its brilliant light. This usual peaceful full moon has suddenly changed into an unprecedented, moving, historic full moon and not like the others.

It began with a luminous trail, like a fireball and reached a certain height of the ground, a detonation was heard, like a low noise of thunder. The fireball exploded and turned into a rain of fire, like fireworks. The fires then fell on the ground with successive rumblings in several places, and the earth began to vibrate on fire with the earth, like a small magnitude earthquake.

It is a frightening sight because it is unheard of and therefore strange.

Just after the fall, some people living near certain areas of the falls ran to see what had fallen from the sky. It is with great amazement that they have learned, at a certain distance from the place of the fall, that it is a fall of black stone from the sky.

Direct contact with meteorites When a person finally dared to approach and touched the black stone, it was with great astonishment that this person learned, by touch, that the stone was very icy. And all the stones found that night, right after the fall, were incredibly cold, because only a few minutes ago they were on fire.

Oh how great was the emotion of people taking a piece of stones of alien origin! They are smooth, in places and strangely heavy.

After the fall, the eclipse

A few minutes after the fall, the sky was covered with a trail of smoke that eventually hid the moon. Once the clouds of smoke dissipated, the moon shone in full moonlight, but to the amazement of all, a small part of the moon began to sink slowly and it was then that the people of this little community were beginning to think that perhaps the moon stones were coming off the moon and destroying the earth. It was the end of the world. From that moment, people understood that it was no longer a show but it is the apocalypse, the great stupor. People ran to hide from the impending danger. The dark part was beginning to invade the greater part of the moon. Then, the color of the moon turned red like blood, presaging a grave danger for the earth. Then followed the total eclipse for hours. The moon did not return to full moon again until early morning.

Meteorites according to people

In this context, the meteorites were, according to the people, stones that were torn off the moon and straying on the ground.

But to the dismay of all, it seems that the stones gave off a gas with multiple effects, in contact, according to the sensitivity of people. For some, the contact with the stone causes a small irritation to the eyes and makes tears fall, while for others, irritation is felt in the nostrils and causes a momentary runny nose.

                                                        Rob Wesel               
Nakhla Dog Meteorites                                                           

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