I am happy to announce today a new Pallasite from Kenya.
I have been working tirelessly on this project for the last five months. After 
several trips to Kenya and 10 cargo shipments we are nearing the end.
A strewn-field was discovered in Wajir Kenya last year in the desert near the 
border with Somalia. Needless to say, this area is a hot-zone, basically a war 
zone. Moritz Karl and I had to have heavy security escort and armed guards 
stationed at our hotel doors to prevent attack or kidnapping by Al Shabab 
terrorists in February when we traveled to the location.
So far over 30 pieces with a total known weight of approximately 2 metric tons 
has been found, of which myself, Jim Strope and Moritz Karl have purchased it 
all. Sadly events beyond my control are forcing me to make it public today. Two 
pieces were stolen from a shipment to Nairobi and are now being offered in 
public. One is 65 kilos and the other I am not sure of the weight. Kenya 
national Police are involved in tracking down the people involved in the theft. 
This is a warning to anyone who buys the stolen pieces. I have legal export 
permits for the exported specimens. The minister has been notified of the theft 
and will block export of the stolen pieces until legal case is resolved to 
dropped. Some smaller fragmented samples which were sledge-hammered have 
possibly left Kenya however. Anything not issued an export permit is illegal to 
remove from the Republic of Kenya. 
The pallasite is extremely fresh and nearly all pieces are covered in 
blue-black fusion crust. Pieces are being processed at this time for slices and 
my hope was to announce it in Ensisheim in June. Due to the ongoing theft I 
must announce it today to claim the credit for my work. 
It has been submitted for classification and the work is ongoing with Laurence 
Garvie and Devin Schrader at Arizona State University, center for meteorite 

Michael Farmer 


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