Hi all

We have studying the Carancas event with several colleagues from Peru and
elsewhere. In particular we analyze the case of the bull that was knocked by
the explosion shockwave, as well as other similar situations.

You can find a presentation about our work in:
This presentation was given in the past Asteroids, Comets & Meteors 2008 in
Baltimore, during the special session about the Carancas event.

Several photos of the crater can be found in

A more complete paper describing our results will hopefully appear in MAPS in
the future.

If you are interested in the event, you can contact me.


                  Gonzalo Tancredi
Dpto. Astronomia                 Tel : (598-2) 525 86 24/25/26  int. 319
Facultad Ciencias                Fax : (598 2) 525 05 80
Igua 4225                        Email : gonz...@fisica.edu.uy
11400 Montevideo - URUGUAY       http://www.fisica.edu.uy/~gonzalo

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