I got busy yesterday and totally forgot to email the list. 

Yesterday, 15 September, the Carancas meteorite slammed into the Peruvian 
countryside. This event, a crater-forming chondrite, made worldwide news for 
months and forced scientists to re-think cratering models since it should not 
have happened. 

I was in Spain, with Robert Ward and Moritz Karl that day. We woke up on the 
16th, (today one year ago) and I borrowed Moritz's computer to check my email 
before we got ready for the daily grind of picking up "La Mancha" eucrites. I 
saw a news article detailing the fall of a massive meteorite which made a 
crater in Peru. There were photos and even video. The problem was, when they 
started making all the statements about gasses and people getting sick because 
of the smell, we all thought that it was more likely some sort of volcanic gas 

Later when they showed pictures of the gray fragments of stone, I became much 
more interested. When Robert and I were at the Madrid airport a couple of days 
later, we were discussing that we would get home and have to get things taken 
care of because it looked possible that it was a meteorite fall and we would be 
on our way to South America. I returned from Spain, and a day later I had 
tickets to both Peru and Colombia. A Cali stone (the last one) had been 
recovered and the seller told me to come get it immediately or he would start 
contacting other dealers. I had all of the other Cali stones, so I was not 
willing to risk letting that one go. I flew to Cali, bought the stone, and flew 
home the next day, only to wash my clothes, and repack my bags for the trip to 
Peru on the following morning. I did not want to go to Peru from Colombia, as I 
did not want to carry so much money or the Cali stone down there. 

The rest, as they say, is history. 
I just wanted to remind everyone of the very important first birthday that 
passed by yesterday both here and in Peru it seems, with nobody recalling that 
important meteorite fall.

Michael Farmer
Meteorite-list mailing list

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