Hi Mark and list,

After looking at the photos, I can not see and colour as described.

On the last photo at the bottom of the page it looks like a rainbow film, similar to oil on water.

May I suggest something that I used on photographing small crystals.

Make a pinhole light source.

Get a sheet of cardboard 12 x 12 inches, put a small 1/4 round hole in the middle.

Place a rather bright incandescent light globe directly behind the hole.

Position your tektite for photography in front of the hole so that the light shines through it and illuminates it from behind while your eyes and the camera are shielded from the glare.

Cheers for now, Kevin, VK3UKF.

Hello Dirk,

Dirk asked; "Are you sure it is within the glass or some substance on the surface only?'

It does not appear to be on the surface, but I am not sure how the tektite was cleaned. I did not get the tektite somehwhat dirty as most chinese tektites usually are. Dimples were clean.

I just added a forth photograph, using the camera's flash...and holding it to try to give the camera another color to help show a little more color. (My old Nikon finally broke after much abuse and I do not really like my current camera.)


If you would like Dirk, I could send it to you, as you much more experienced with tektites then I am.

Clear Skies,

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