AN ODD-looking rock found in a dirt paddock on an outback western
Queensland property is officially a meteorite.
The 27.6kg object was resting under a gidgee tree near Cunnamulla,
825km west of Brisbane last year, when it was discovered by disability
pensioner Tom King.

Queensland Museum curator Alex Cook has officially declared the rock a

"Not too often meteorites of that size come along, it's the second
largest stony meteorite found in Queensland," he said.

"It's heavy but the last time a meteorite of this size was found was
about four years ago, a 55kg meteorite was found in Winton."

A tussle broke out last year after the property's caretaker Tom King
found the rock in a dirt paddock at Rywanda Plainview, 70km south of

Mr King took the rock to his Cunnamulla home to use it as a
doorstopper. A dispute erupted between Mr King, the property's owner
Keith Wilson and the lessee Angus McLennan.

The rock was kept by police until a court finally awarded ownership to
Mr Wilson in June.

Mr Wilson said he would not be selling the rock but is yet to decide
where it will rest when he collects it from the museum later this
year. "It's not being sold and it's not going out of Queensland." he
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