Dawn Journal
Dr. Marc Rayman
November 28, 2016

Dear Decadawnt Readers,

Blue rope lights adorn Dawn mission control at JPL, but not because the 
flight team is in the holiday spirit (although they are in the holiday 
spirit). The felicitous display is more than decorative. The illumination 
indicates that the interplanetary spacecraft is thrusting with one of 
its ion engines, which emit a lovely, soft bluish glow in the forbidding 
depths of space. Dawn is completing another elegant spiral around dwarf 
planet Ceres, maneuvering to its sixth science orbit.

Dawn's ion propulsion system has allowed the probe to accomplish 
a mission unlike any other, orbiting two distant extraterrestrial destinations. 
Even more than that, Dawn has taken advantage of the exceptional efficiency 
of its ion engines to fly to orbits at different altitudes and orientations 
while at Vesta and at Ceres, gaining the best perspectives for its photography 
and other scientific investigations.
Occator on Ceres' Limb

Dawn has thrust for a total of 5.7 years during its deep-space adventure. 
All that powered flight has imparted a change in the ship's velocity 
of 25,000 mph (40,000 kilometers per hour). As we have seen, this is not 
the spacecraft's actual speed, but it is a convenient measure of 
the effect of its propulsive work. Reaching Earth orbit requires only 
about 17,000 mph (less than 28,000 kilometers per hour). In fact, Dawn's 
gentle ion engines have delivered almost 98 percent of the change in speed 
that its powerful Delta 7925H-9.5 rocket provided. With nine external 
rocket engines and a core consisting of a first stage, a second stage 
and a third stage, the Delta boosted Dawn by 25,640 mph (41,260 kilometers 
per hour) from Cape Canaveral out of Earth orbit and onto its interplanetary 
trajectory, after which the remarkable ion engines took over. No other 
spacecraft has accomplished such a large velocity change under its own 
power. (The previous record holder, Deep Space 1, achieved 9,600 mph, 
or 15,000 kilometers per hour.)

Early this year, we were highly confident Dawn would conclude its operational 
lifetime in its fourth orbit at Ceres (and remain there long after). But 
unexpectedly healthy and with an extension from NASA, Dawn is continuing 
its ambitious mission. After completing all of its tasks in its fifth 
scientific phase at Ceres, Dawn is pursuing new objectives by flying to 
another orbit for still more discoveries. Although we never anticipated 
adding a row to the table of Dawn's orbits, last presented in December 
2015, we now have an updated version.


As with the obscure Dawn code names for other orbits, this fifth orbit's 
name requires some explanation. The extended mission is devoted to undertaking 
activities not envisioned in the prime mission. That began with two extra 
months in the fourth mapping orbit performing many new observations, but 
because it was then the extended mission, that orbit was designated extended 
mission orbit 1, or XMO1. (It should have been EMO1, of course, but the 
team's spellchecker was offline on July 1, the day the extended mission 
started.) Therefore, the next orbit was XMO2. Dawn left XMO2 on Nov. 4, 
and we leave it to readers' imaginations to devise a name for the 
orbit the spacecraft is now maneuvering to.

Surprisingly, Dawn is flying higher to enhance part of the scientific 
investigation that motivated going to the lowest orbit. We have explained 
before that Dawn's objective in powering its way down to the fourth 
mapping orbit was to make the most accurate measurements possible of gravity 
and of nuclear radiation emitted by the dwarf planet.

For more than eight months, the explorer orbited closer to the alien world 
than the International Space Station is to Earth, and the gamma ray spectra 
and neutron spectra it acquired are outstanding, significantly exceeding 
all expectations. But ever-creative scientists have recognized that even 
with that tremendous wealth of data, Dawn can do still better. Let's 
look at this more carefully and consider an example to resolve the paradox 
of how going higher can yield an improvement. 

The gamma ray and neutron detector (GRaND) reveals some of Ceres' 
atomic constituents down to about a yard (meter) underground. The principal 
limitation in analyzing these spectra is "noise." In fact, noise limits 
the achievable accuracy of many scientific measurements. It isn't 
necessarily the kind of noise that you hear from loud machinery (nor from 
the mouth of your unhelpful parent, inattentive progeny or boring and 
verbose coworker), but all natural systems have something similar. Physical 
processes other than the ones of interest make unwanted contributions 
to the measurements. The part of a measurement scientists want is called 
the "signal." The part of a measurement scientists don't want is 
called the "noise." The quality of a measurement may be characterized 
by comparing the strength of the signal to the strength of the noise. 
(This metric is called the "signal to noise ratio" by people who like 
to use jargon like "signal to noise ratio.")

We have discussed that cosmic rays, radiation that pervades space, strike 
atomic nuclei on Ceres, creating the signals that GRaND measures. Remaining 
at low altitude would have allowed Dawn to enhance its measurement of 
the Cerean nuclear signal. But scientists determined that an even better 
way to improve the spectra than to increase the signal is to decrease 
the noise. GRaND's noise is a result of cosmic rays impinging directly 
on the instrument itself and on nearby parts of the spacecraft. With a 
more thorough measurement of the noise from cosmic rays, scientists will 
be able to mathematically remove that component of the low altitude 
leaving a clearer signal.

For an illustration of all this, suppose you want to hear the words of 
a song. The words are the signal and the instruments are the noise. (This 
is a scientific discussion, not a musical one.) It could be that the 
are so loud and distracting that you can't make the words out easily.

You might try turning up the volume, because that increases the signal, 
but it increases the noise as well. If the performance is live, you might 
even try to position yourself closer to the singer, perhaps making the 
signal stronger without increasing the noise too much. (Other alternatives 
are simply to Google the song or ask the singer for a copy of the lyrics, 
but those methods would ruin this example.)

If you're doing this in the 21st century (or later), there's 
another trick you can employ, taking advantage of computer processing. 
Suppose you had a recording of the singing with the instruments and then 
obtained separate recordings of the instruments. You could subtract the 
muscial sounds that constitute the noise, removing the contributions from 
both guitars, the drums, the harp, both ukuleles, the kazoo and all the 
theremins. And when you eliminate the noise of the instruments, what remains 
is the signal of the words, making them much more intelligible.

To obtain a better measure of the noise, Dawn needs to go to higher altitude, 
where GRaND will no longer detect Ceres. It will make detailed measurements 
of cosmic ray noise, which scientists then will subtract from their 
at low altitude, where GRaND observed Ceres signal plus cosmic ray noise. 
The powerful capability to raise its orbit so much affords Dawn the valuable 
opportunity to gain greater insight into the atomic composition. Of course, 
it's not quite that simple, but essentially this method will help 
Dawn hear Ceres' nuclear song more clearly.

 To travel from one orbit to another, the sophisticated explorer has followed 
complex spiral routes. We have discussed the nature of these trajectories 
quite a bit, including how the operations team designs and flies them. 
But now they are using a slightly different method.

Those of you at Ceres who monitor the ship's progress probably wouldn't 
notice a difference in the type of trajectory. And the rest of you on 
Earth and elsewhere who keep track through our mission status updates 
also would not detect anything unusual in the ascent profile (to the extent 
that a spacecraft using ion propulsion to spiral around a dwarf planet 
is usual). But celestial navigators are now enjoying their use of a method 
they whimsically call local maximal energy spiral feedback control.

The details of the new technique are not as important for our discussion 
here as one of the consequences: Dawn's next orbit will not be nearly 
as circular as any of its other orbits at Ceres (or at Vesta). Following 
the conclusion of this spiral ascent on Dec. 5, navigators will refine 
their computations of the orbit, and we will describe the details near 
the end of the month. We will see that as the spacecraft follows its elliptical 
loops around Ceres, each taking about a week, the altitude will vary smoothly, 
dipping below 4,700 miles (7,600 kilometers) and going above 5,700 miles 
(9,200 kilometers). Such a profile meets the mission's needs, because 
as long as the craft stays higher than about 4,500 miles (7,200 kilometers), 
it can make the planned recordings of the cacophonous cosmic rays. We 
will present other plans for this next phase of the mission as well, including 
photography, in an upcoming Dawn Journal.

As Dawn continues its work at Ceres, the dwarf planet continues its stately 
4.6-year-long orbit around the sun, carrying Earth's robotic ambassador 
with it. Ceres follows an elliptical path around the sun (see, for example, 
this discussion, including the table). In fact, all orbits, including 
Earth's, are ellipses. Ceres' orbit is more elliptical than 
Earth's but not as much as some of the other planets. The shape of 
Ceres' orbit is between that of Saturn (which is more circular) and 
Mars (which is more elliptical). (Of course, Ceres' orbit is larger 
than Mars' and smaller than Saturn's, but here we are describing 
how much each orbit deviates from a perfect circle.)

When Ceres tenderly took Dawn into its gravitational embrace in March 
2015, they were 2.87 AU (267 million miles, or 429 million kilometers) 
from the sun. In January 2016, we mentioned that Ceres had reached its 
aphelion, or greatest distance from the sun, at 2.98 AU (277 million miles, 
or 445 million kilometers). Today at 2.85 AU (265 million miles, or 427 
million kilometers), Ceres is closer to the sun than at any time since 
Dawn arrived, and the heliocentric distance will gradually decrease further 
throughout the extended mission. (If the number of numbers is overwhelming 
here, you might reread this paragraph while paying attention to only one 
set of units, whether you choose AU, miles or kilometers. Ignore the other 
two scales so you can focus on the relative distances.)
Another consequence of orbiting the sun is the progression of seasons. 
Right on schedule, as we boldly predicted in August 2015, Nov. 13 was 
the equinox on Ceres, marking the beginning of northern hemisphere autumn 
and southern hemisphere spring. Although it is celebrated on Ceres with 
less zeal than on Earth, it is fundamentally the same: the sun was directly 
over the equator that day, and now it is moving farther south. It takes 
Ceres so long to orbit the sun that this season will last until Dec. 22, 

A celebration that might occur on Ceres (and which you, loyal Dawnophile, 
are welcome to attend) would honor Dawn itself. Although the spacecraft 
completed its ninth terrestrial year of spaceflight in September, on Dec. 
12, it will have been two Cerean years since Dawn left Earth for its 
journey. Be sure to attend in order to learn how a dawnniversary is 
in that part of the solar system.

Although a year on Ceres lasts much longer than on Earth, 2016 is an unusually 
long year on our home planet. Not only was a leap day included, but a 
leap second will be added at the very end of the year to keep celestial 
navigators' clocks in sync with nature. (Clocks used for other purposes 
will not have the added second. The extra second applies in the specialized 
timekeeping system known as "ephemeris time.") The Dawn team already has 
accounted for the leap second in the intricate plans formulated for the 
spacecraft. And at that second, on Dec. 31 at 23:59:60, we will be able 
to look back on 366 days and one second, an especially full and gratifying 
year in this remarkable deep-space expedition. But we needn't wait. 
Even now, as mission control is bathed in a lovely glow, the members of 
the team as well as space enthusiasts everywhere are aglow with the thrill 
of new knowledge, the excitement of a daring, noble adventure and the 
anticipation of more to come.

Dawn is 3,150 miles (5,070 kilometers) from Ceres. It is also 2.08 AU 
(194 million miles, or 312 million kilometers) from Earth, or 770 times 
as far as the moon and 2.11 times as far as the sun today. Radio signals, 
traveling at the universal limit of the speed of light, take 35 minutes 
to make the round trip.


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