I met "The Count" first here on the MetList, admiring this old man and
his freshly discovered passion for meteorites which made him burn and
shine like a youngster.

A bit later we discovered additional mutual interests, passions,
desires, generating a dense exchange of emails, books etc.

In his last years Count Guido began to write and to publish. He sent
manuscripts to me, we discussed them, me and my son translated his
fascinating autobiographical novel 'Flying for Howard [Hughes]'.

Count Guido Roberto Deiro was the son of world-famous Vaudeville star
Count Guido Deiro. He worked hard for the remambrance of his father.

He himself seemingly lived several lives. He worked as a detective; as a
real estates entrepreneur; and, above all, as a pilot: a military test
pilot and, perhaps the most interesting job: as private pilot ot the
legendary Howard Hughes in Las Vegas. He supported several of the most
important American land artists, flying over America's South-West,
finding large properties to enable them to realize their projects. In
this context a very personal art collection began to develop, including
letters, sketches, drawings, maps, fotos etc. Count Deoro donated this
unique collection to the Nevada Museum of Art, which he supported in
other subjects as well.

Not to forget: the meteorites. He didn't only collect. As a hunter he
found the biggest stone meteorite of Nevada.

Count Guido Deiro was a Chevalier with a big heart. Always ready to try
to go new ways, powered by a good sense of humour. It's only today that
I learn of his death September 12, 2019.

Dear Count: thank you for your confidence, spontaneity, for your
adventerous heart and your friendship. I wish you all the best on your way.

Matthias Baermann

For some more biographical details see here:



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