Hi all,
        Well, we now have like 87 lots and several entered as recently as
today. (Still more room for any late comers)
        Be sure to check out Darryl Pitt's latest (Lot 75B) Chassignite.
Damn, that is one I would love to have, myself. How many of you have
A decent sized Chassignite in your collections?
        Then, Twink just sent in several more meteorite pendants and sets
Of meteorite Necklace/Ear rings that I find very stunning. (lots 82-87)
        Also of recent note are the: Super thin & large Esquel slice, the
226g Allende and the GIANT Moldavite (71, 72, 73) - Oh, and Darryl
Also put in one of those now historic "Mars Cubes" which haven't been
Available in forever.
        I would appreciate it if  final absentee bids were all in by this
Weekend, please. (I will take absentee bids clear up to the day before
The auction via my cell phone in Tucson, but managing all of them would be
Very much easier if they were all in by this weekend)
        Check out these latest items at:


        Thanks, all.
        Looking foreword to seeing everyone in TUCSON!

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