Parts of a fireball seen in Finnish skies on Tuesday evening have
fallen in central Finland. According to the Finnish astronomy magazine
Tähdet ja Avaruus (Stars and Space), the fireball fragmented, with the
majority of pieces falling near the centre of Jämsä town.

The largest pieces to land on earth weighed about one kilogram,
according to calculations made by the meteorite section of Ursa
Astronomical Association. Snow may have covered signs of the landings.
However, meteorite fragments could still be found.

According to Stars and Space magazine, it is rare to have meteorite
impact close to large populated areas in Finland. A similar event last
took place over a hundred years ago, when meteorites fell near the
town of Mikkeli.

The meteorites in the vicinity of Jämsä originate in a larger body
that entered the earth’s atmosphere around Narva in Estonia. The
velocity of the object was about 19 kilometres per second, which is
relatively low.

The daily paper Iltalehti first reported on the meteorite in Finland.
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