Paper: Newark Daily Advocate

City: Newark, Ohio

Date: Wednesday, August 22, 1900

Page: 5



So Close To Travelers That They Felt Its Heat.

(Danville (Pa.) Cor. Phil. Ledger.)

Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Monroe, of Monticello, Sullican county, N. Y., who are making a tour in a carriage, were sufficiently close to an aerolite that last night dropped into the ground to feel its heat. They left Muncy about noon and were on their way to this city, where they intended to spend the night. They lost their way and about midnight found themselves on a lonely stretch of road remote from any dwelling. The spot, about ten miles from this place, is low and swampy and surrounded by wooded hills. Suddenly the sky was illuminated with a strange light, which the next instant lit up the entire landscape, giving it a brilliancy that was blinding. At the same instant a loud hiss or swishing sound struck the ears of a the man and woman and simultaneously it seemed, a blazing mass, not more than ten yards ahead, struck the earth. The roadway trembled under the mighty impact. The occupants of the buggy were nearly overcome by the appalling spectacle, while the horse stood trembling in its tracks.

Mr. Monroe slighted from the buggy and led the horse to the spot where the aerolite had struck. The only trace of the celestial visitor was a volume of steam, which road from the spot, indicating the presence of water. Mrs. Monroe was made quite ill by the shock and the couple were obliged to stop at a farm house for the night.

(PDF copy available upon request. Meteorites A to Z does not show a meteorite having fallen and been recovered at this time/location.)

Mark Bostick

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