Paper: The Compiler
City: Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Date: Monday, May 14, 1860
Page: 1 (of 8)

Remarkable Earthquake in Ohio. - The inhabitants of the counties of Guernsey, Belmont and Harrison, in Eastern Ohio, were exceedingly excited and terrified on Tuesday week by the severe shock of an earthquake which lasted for thirty minutes. At Cambridge, Barnesville and other towns, the citizens flocked together in the streets and fervently implored divine protection. The shock was accompanied by a shower of supposed meteoric stones, four of which weighing from forty to sixty pounds each fell on the track of the Central Ohio Railroad, near Concord, imbedding themselves about two feet in the earth.


Mark Note: This article refers to the New Concord meteorite. This meteorite fell in Muskingum county, Ohio on May 1, 1860 at 12:45 p.m. More then thirty pieces, 227 kg., of this L6 stone chondrite was recovered. (Reference: Meteorites A to Z: Second Edition).

Clear Skies,
Mark Bostick
Wichita, Kansas

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