Dear List Members,

Now that I am back from the two France shows and the Fourth of July holiday weekend has wrapped up I would like to 'Officially' offer my NWA 5000 replicas. Since these are a Limited Edition, and I mean "Extremely Limited", there are just a couple available. I sold the one I took to the Ensisheim Show and it is destined for a World Class museum on the other side of the globe from me. How cool is that?!

As mentioned in a post here June 14th, I interviewed and chose a professional artist in the town where I live and she did a fantastic job on these 'One-of-a-Kind' works of art. Thank you Judy! These were two years in the making of my own personal time and great financial expense, not to mention the dozens of hours of labor over a nine month period of time by my artist.

Of the 'Limited' number of replicas I made of NWA 5000, most will be given 'Free of Charge' as a personal gift by me to my customers who purchased a full slice or be kept in my personal collection (and of course the one I gave to the Yale Peabody Museum!). My only hopes in making a couple of these available for purchase is to recoup my great 'financial' expense in producing them. I am sure my friends/clients will all appreciate my efforts and gifts, a couple who have been patiently waiting for two years to receive this compliment to their collections!

When I considered pricing these I kept in mind many things, first and foremost was to keep them affordable and realistic. Considering all of the financial and labor considerations, and the fact that these are all 'One-of-a-Kind' artworks, I believe I've priced these incredibly well and affordable!

Please find below the link to my Nature's Vault web site where the images are located. Be sure to click on the first replica image to see eight more views of these dimensionally full-sized replicas. The weight is approximately 40% of the original before cutting:

Here is an image of my artist, Judy, who did a fantastic job:

Here are a couple images from the Ensisheim Show where one of the replicas was appreciated by many:

Thank you for looking, and for those who appreciate our efforts or would like to purchase, please reply! :)

Best Regards,

Greg Hupe
The Hupe Collection (Online Catalog & Reference Site) (Online Planetary Meteorite Site)
NaturesVault (Facebook, Pinterest & eBay)
IMCA 3163
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