Name An Asteroid Contest
Space Generation Advisory Council

Click here to Name an Asteroid!

Here is your chance to name an asteroid!

SGAC and the NEO PG in collaboration with the Minor Planet Centre (MPC) 
are excited to offer you the opportunity to name an asteroid! Entering 
is easy: Send us your entry in 50 words or less how you would like to 
name an asteroid and why. 

The naming contest is open to anyone. Submit your entry by November 30 
by telling us your name, age, home country and email. Rules for naming 
are below.

There are two age groups: under 18, and over 18.

The two winners will be announced around the end of December.


The winning entries will be forwarded to the IAU CSBN - the body responsible 
for naming small bodies within the solar system, like asteroids. The winning 
entries will go through the same judging process as any other asteroid. 
The process can take some time (4-6 months) and there is no guarantee 
that the winning entry will be accepted.

If you want your name suggestion to win, it is highly recommended to follow 
the IAU Guidelines for Naming Asteroids.

They include:

        * 16 characters or less in length preferably one word
        * pronounceable (in some language)
        * non-offensive
        * not too similar to an existing name of a Minor Planet or natural 
satellite [].
        * names of pet animals are discouraged
        * names of a purely or principally commercial nature are not allowed.
        * The names of individuals or events principally known for political 
or military activities are unsuitable until 100 years after the death 
of the individual or the occurrence of the event.


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