Dear List Members,

It has a been a couple months since I loaded any eBay auctions, so with "Back to School" for the students and an "End of Summer" for many collectors, I loaded up about 34 nice 'Meteorite' items tonight by seller, NaturesVault. Most are started at just 99 cents, you bidders can name your own price (bid high or low, it's up to you!). If you bid as quick as the 'Speed of Light', you may be able to win the auctions so 'Alien' bidders don't get what you are after! ;-)

There was a thread about holes in meteorites last week so in the spirit of That thread, one of the auctions is for a complete slice of a classified eucrite with a natural hole! You will find many Lunar and Martian meteorites and plenty of achondrites as well!

All of my current auctions can be found by clicking here:

Thank you for bidding!!

Best regards,

Greg Hupe
The Hupe Collection
NaturesVault (eBay)
IMCA 3163
Click here for my current eBay auctions:

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