Wow, I am glad I am not the only one who is getting pissed at the mail service 
to Canada.  I cannot figure out who to blame, the mail services (both Canada 
Post and USPS) or Customs.  However, it takes only a week to get a package to, 
or from, the UK and up to 4-5 weeks from the USA, regardless of the 
State!!!!????  In any case, this length of delay is inexcuseable!  
Unfortunately, I used to do Christmas shopping online, with much coming from 
the USA.  I won't be doing that this year, that's for sure.
Count Deiro...Nice rant buddy! Well done!  I would like to add to it a bit, if 
I may.  I agree with you that the Unions served a purpose in the past, but now 
have far too much power in many sensitive or critical areas.  In fact, I would 
go so as to say that they have had a major role in the downfall of the US 
economy.  Take the Auto industry for example.  They went on strike every few 
years for more money, benefits etc. to the point that a person was getting paid 
$30.00 per hour, to tighten bolts, plus every possible benefit in the world.  
No wonder they all went bankrupt.  The selling cost of their vehicles would 
have to double in order for them to break even.  People wouldn't be able to buy 
new cars.  Do you wonder why nothing is made here anymore?  Almost everything 
you buy is made somewhere else (Asia). 
Here endeth the rant.....
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