Dear Friends,

There is an open-access summary paper about impact cratering
as a fundamental process in geoscience and planetary science
by a couple of well-known planetary geologists that can be 
downloaded from the “Journal of Earth System Science”. The
paper is:

Pati, J. K., and W. U. Reimold, 2007, mpact cratering — 
fundamental process in geoscience and planetary science.
Journal of Earth System Science. vol. 116, no. 2, pp. 81-169.

The PDF file of this article can be accessed from:  or

Other Impact-related PDF files that can be downloaded free of 
charge from the Internet are:

1. Ames, D. E., A. Davidson, and N. Wodicka, 2008, Geology 
of the Giant Sudbury Polymetallic Mining Camp, Ontario, 
Canada. Economic Geology. vol. 103, no. 5, pp. 1057-1077
DOI: 10.2113/gsecongeo.103.5.1057

This paper has a wonderful summary along with color geological 
maps of the relationship between metaliferous ores and geology
of the Sudbury Impact Structure.

PDF file can be found at:

Abstract can be found at:

2. A 14 MB Geologic Map of the Sudbury structure can be 
downloaded from:

4. Reimold W. U. and Koeberl, C. (2008) Catastrophes, Extinctions and 
Evolution: 50 years of Impact Cratering Studies. In Harsh Gupta and 
Fareeduddin (Editors), Recent Advances in Earth System Sciences, 
Memoir no. 66, Geological Society of India, pp. 69-110.

PDF file at:

4. Chadwick, B., Ph. Claeys and B. Simonson, 2001, New evidence 
for a large Palaeoproterozoic impact: Spherules in a dolomite 
layer in the Ketilidian orogen. South Greenland. Journal of the 
Geological Society of London. vol. 158, pp. 331-340.

PDF file available from:


Paul H.
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