Hi All
I would like to announce a new book on meteorites. I have included information 
about the book at the bottom of the post. It should be published around the 
first of the year. Cost is only $89 plus shipping which is quite a bargain for 
a 756 page book. So if you are interested in a copy please let me know ASAP and 
I will hold a copy for you and let you know the total cost when it arrives.


Edited By 
A.M. Davis, University of Chicago, IL, USA

Reprinted individual volume from the acclaimed Treatise on 
Geochemistry (10 Volume Set, ISBN 0-08-043751-6, published in 2003) 
Paperback, ISBN: 0-08-044720-1, 756 pages, publication date: 2005

Volume 1 provides a broad overview of the chemistry of the solar 
system. It includes chapters on the origin of the elements and solar 
system abundances, the solar nebula and planet formation, meteorite 
classification, the major types of meteorites, important processes in 
early solar system history, geochemistry of the terrestrial planets, 
the giant planets and their satellite, comets, and the formation and 
early differentiation of the Earth. This volume is intended to be the 
first reference work one would consult to learn about the chemistry 
of the solar system.

Andrew M. Davis 
1. Origin of the Elements James W. Truran, Jr., Alexander Heger 
2. Presolar Grains Ernst K. Zinner 
3. Solar System Abundances of the Elements Herbert Palme, Anthony 
4. The Solar Nebula Alan P. Boss 
5. Classification of Meteorites Alexander N. Krot, Klaus Keil, Cyrena 
A. Goodrich, Michael K. Weisberg, Edward R.D. Scott 
6. Oxygen Isotopes in Meteorites Robert N. Clayton 
7. Chondrites and Their Components Edward R.D. Scott, Alexander N. 
8. Calcium-Aluminium-rich Inclusions in Chondritic Meteorites Glenn 
J. MacPherson 
9. Nebular vs. Parent Body Processing Adrian J. Brearley 
10. Structural and Isotopic Analysis of Organic Matter in 
Carbonaceous Meteorites Iain Gilmour 
11. Achondrites David W. Mittlefehldt 
12. Iron and Stony-Iron Meteorites Henning Haack, Tim J. McCoy 
13. Cosmic Ray Exposure Ages of Meteorites Gregory F. Herzog 
14. Noble Gases Frank A. Podosek 
15. Condensation and Evaporation of Solar System Materials Andrew M. 
Davis, Frank M. Richter 
16. Early Solar System Chronology Kevin D. McKeegan, Andrew M. Davis 
17. Planet Formation John E. Chambers 
18. Mercury G. Jeffrey Taylor, Edward R.D. Scott 
19. Venus Bruce Fegley Jr. 
20. The Origin and Earliest History of the Earth Alex N. Halliday 
21. The Moon Paul H. Warren 
22. Mars Harry Y. McSween, Jr. 
23. Giant Planets Jonathan I. Lunine 
24. Major Satellites of the Giant Planets Torrence V. Johnson 
25. Comets Don E. Brownlee 
26. Interplanetary Dust Particles John P. Bradley 

Upper-division undergraduates through professionals in geochemistry

Let me know if you have any questions.

Mike Jensen IMCA 4264
Jensen Meteorites
16730 E Ada PL
Aurora, CO 80017-3137
website: www.jensenmeteorites.com

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