Hi List,
  I can confirm that the fireball was also seen from several places in northern Portugal.
 The portuguese newspaper "Correio da Manhã" on its issue dated Tuesday 06 Jan 2004 (page 16), has another article on this fireball.
 Here is a summary of it:
      Meteor shower on the Iberian Peninsula:
     Dozens of phone calls alerted on a "ball of fire". A meteor is the origin of the phenomena.
    The sighting of a strange flaming object in the sky caused viewers from different points of Portugal, to enter into an alert, on sunday, on a possible aerial accident.
    Dozens of firemen went out looking for a possible fallen aircraft, untill the local Civil Protection authorities were informed that it might have been a meteorite
    fall that was visible from several places of the Iberian Peninsula.
      "It was a ball with an intense light and a kind of a tail. It seemed like something  burning", explained Fernanda Peixoto who at the time was at the town of Viana do
   Castelo (north of Portugal), where she lives, when she observed the phenomena at around 17h00.
      Another woman also from Viana do Castelo, Alexandra Pereira, admited to have become scared: "It reminded me of a falling star but it had an enormous
  dimention and a much more intense luminosity", she said. Also Mr. Paulo Vilaverde, an assessor to the Civil Government of the Viana District, witnessed the
  fall of the meteorite: "I was coming along the road of Varrosela towards Viana when I saw an enormous brilliance. It called my attention because it was still
  daylight. It seemed to me that it was a meteorite and promply I called the Civil Protection Services".
     This same phenomena was also seen from Ponte de Sor, Viseu and Castro d'Aire (Portugal).
     At Viana do Castelo's Civil Headquarters for Help-line, dozens of phone calls were received from several places from the Minho province.
     From the city of Viseu the "ball of fire" appeared in full daylight at around 15h30 during a local soccer game between Academico and Vilafranquense at
   Fontelo Stadium: "I was staring towards one of the goal-lines when I saw a strong light (brilliance)" said José Morais, coach for Academico. In his own
   words, it was about "something passing by very fast, like a flash" and "it was so bright that it was even visible in daylight".
    A comet's trail: Scientifically, this Sunday's phenomena is predictable, since every year, at the beginning of January, the terrestrial orbit crosses through a
   zone of cosmic particles which give origin to a meteorite shower.
Seen also from Spain:
   "A great ball of fire, surrounding a silvery star", that's how one of the spanish witnesses described what had seen in the sky at the time. According to this same
  witness, the ball of fire caused a strong explosion followed by the ground shaking". There were several phone calls made through several spanish provinces,
  between 18h00 and 19h00, with a variety of discriptions, including believing to have seen "an aircraft in flames", while others said that they saw "flaming stars".
  At Galiza, it was also seen by members of the public and soccer players of both teams of Santiago de Compostela and of San Sebastian de los Reys.
  Also several phone calls were made to the spanish emergency services, from the areas of Madrid, Albacete, Valencia, Teruel and Baleares.  (end).
 NOTE: The times given, are local times. At this time of the year, Portugal (and the UK) is 1 hour behind Spain.
           I doubt if the report from Viseu (Portugal), given as seen at 15h30 refers to another fireball or something else not related.
José Campos

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