Hi, Gary:
Unless your comment "I am guessing that if you can't afford to travel to Tucson then you probably don't have much money to spend at the show. May as well stay home and leave the shows to the buyers with money to spend." was intended as a sarcastic jab at plutocrats or others, it shocks me to see such a comment. I do not know the context of the statement, but I choose to believe it was justifiable sarcasm. Among the lookers are those with aspirations to become collectors (nee buyers) when they know enough to do so wisely. I will attend the TGMS show. I may not buy a thing. If I do, it will be from a seller who supports every level of this "industry" and is happy to meet all comers as friends. Any seller who gives me attitude, snobbery, or arrogance will never see the color of my money. There are too many good guys/gals to tolerate egotists, and I have do not include you in that group. In any event, if I see you at the show, I will bring enough money to buy a cup of coffee for you. :-)
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