Hello Listers


Shawn Alan
IMCA 1633 
ebay store http://www.ebay.com/sch/imca1633ny/m.html
Website http://meteoritefalls.com 

Study shows how planetary building blocks evolved from porous to hard

(Phys.org)—Thinking small has enabled an international team of
scientists to gain new insight into the evolution of planetary building
blocks in the early solar system.

The researchers compared the results of small-scale numerical
simulations of colliding rock and dust particles to the composition of
meteorites. They found that collisions helped transform initially porous
materials into the more highly solidified asteroids and meteorites
observed today. The team of seven scientists published their evidence
last month in Nature Communications.
Planetary scientists study chondritic meteorites to reconstruct planet
formation. These meteorites are made of a mixture of solid chondrules,
millimeter-sized beads (the approximate width of a penny) that became
embedded in a fluffy matrix.

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