The Mukundpura fall is now official!

26º52’52.5’’N, 75º39’53.7’’E
Rajasthan, India
Fall: June 6, 2017
Classification: Carbonaceous chondrite (CM2)

History: A meteorite weighing approximately 2 kg fell in Mukundpura
village at 05:15 hrs on June 6, 2017, on sandy soil in the
agricultural field of Mr. Banshi Ram. The impact formed a nearly
circular crater of ~40 cm diameter with a depth of 15 cm. Upon impact,
the stone shattered into several large pieces and multiple gram and
subgram-sized fragments. Mr. Banshi Ram observed a bright red-yellow
colored burning fragment fall with a thundering sound about 100 m away
from his house. They informed the nearby Bhankrota police station,
where the large pieces were deposited. The fall of meteorite in the
Mukundpura Village was reported in the media. Dr. Anil D. Shukla and
Dr. D. Ray visited the fall site two days after the fall and acquired
some fragments from the local villagers, with the help of police.

Physical characteristics: The meteorite is covered in well-developed
matte fusion crust with a few broad regmaglypts. The interior of the
stone is dark black with an abundance of small white spots. There are
various clasts (angular to
rounded and up to 4 cm across) embedded in the dark colored matrix.

Petrography: The modal abundances avearged from three thick sections
include chondrule (~15%), matrix (~70%), refractory inclusions (~2%),
carbonates (~7%), Fe-Ni metal (~2%), and sulfides (~4%). Matrix is
dominated by serpentine with lesser tochilinite.

Geochemistry: The Fa content of granular porphyritic olivine chondrule
is uniform and highly forsteritic (Fa<1, SD=0.13, n=16). The Fa
content of barred olivine chondrule is ferroan and composition ranges
Fa32-33(SD=0.06, n=11). The Cr2O3 of granular and barred olivine is
almost indistinguishable and ranges 0.36 to 0.61 wt%. The Fe/Mn ratios
of type IIA chondrule follow the similar trend to the CO chondrites.
The bulk chemical composition of Mukundpura chondrite was analysed
using XRF and Q-ICPMS. The major oxides of Mukundpura show a very good
match with Murchison and Paris CM carbonaceous chondrite. Following
XRF data in wt%: SiO2 29.5, TiO2 0.13, Al2O3 1.3, Fe2O3 32.4, MnO
0.22, MgO 17.4, CaO 1.7, Na2O 0.59, K2O 0.05, and P2O5 0.21.

Classification: CM2 chondrite fall.

Specimens: Type specimen 30.5 g at PRL. Main mass ~2000 gm with GSI
(Based on the report on GSI web portal).

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