Hi all,
        Some people have contacted me asking me about NOT
attending the talks. So, let me clarify for everyone the
flexibility offered:
        The talks will be given OFF TO THE END OF THE HALL,
or in the major recessed area, not in the main part of the
room. The main part of the room will, as always, have the
tables displaying the meteorites at auction.
    The 4 talks are each fifteen minute talks on 4 different topics
regarding meteorites. (actually, 10 to 12 minutes, with time
for questions after each).
(Sponsored by: Southwest Meteorite Center, University of Arizona
Department of Planetary Sciences Lunar and Planetary Laboratory)
        They are:

6:00 The Southwest Meteorite Center - Marvin Killgore

6:15 The Importance of Meteorites - Dante Lauretta U of A

6:30 The Classification of Meteorites - Linda Welzenbach USNM

6:45 The Nomenclature of Meteorites - Harold Connolly, Jr. AMNH
        The hall is large enough that those not interested in the lectures,
will be undisturbed and can concentrate on the auction lots, friends
food and/or drink. 
        You are in no way expected to, obligated to or forced to
attend ANY of the 4 talks, rather you can check the itinerary and
choose for yourself whether to attend 1, 2, 3, all or none of them.
        There will be plenty of socializing, specimen inspection etc.
for those not interested in the talks. This is an opportunity, not
a requirement. Remember, the earlier you
sign in, the earlier you check out at the conclusion of the bidding.
        I believe the last bidder was checked out before 10:30 last
year and the room definitely sounded festive throughout the
        Best wishes, Michael

"He is not a lover who does not love forever." - Euripides (485-406BC)

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