The Tucson Meteorite Auction on-line catalog is now complete? It has
78 lots offered. For the first time, all of the original lots are NO MINIMUM
BID. That means wide open bidding for everyone - ANY bid could win.
        See on-line auction catalog at:
        People need to email in their absentee bids NOW. If you do not get a
Confirmation within 24hrs, something went wrong - please email me again.
        Absentee bids will give you an excellent opportunity to buy as
though you were at the auction, even from Europe. You offer your highest bid
And are automatically "bid up" only with the live bidding, so, you could get
it well below your maximum.
        There are still plenty of spaces for more entries, especially for
$3K and up items, which are lacking so far, even though we have some really
choice mid-range items.
        Remember we will be in the old location where the 4 auctions before
The last location (in 2008) were held.
        Email in your absentee bids and any remaining entries.
        Best wishes to all, Michael
PS: I'm starting to get TUCSON FEVER!

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