Hello All,

Re: The Wild Horse Meteorite


Wild Horse Meteorite, cut surface:

Wild Horse Meteorite Thin Section in light from my photo lights. Pure white light.

After cutting the Wild Horse meteorite, shown above, a little. Me, and fellow Kansas Met. Soc. member Jerry Calvert, thought the H5 unusual for the meteorite, due to it's abundance of chondrules. A type specimen and a (covered) thin section, was sent to Alan Rubin (UCLA) to get his thoughts. The following are Rubin's thoughts.

"I looked at the thin section of Wild Horse today and, as you suspect, it is not an H5. The chondrules are only a little recrystallized and there is low-Ca clinopyorxene in the chondrules. This phase is abundant in type-3, present in type-4 and absent in type-5 and -6 chondrites. From the degree of recrystallization and the abundance of low-Ca clinopyroxene, it looks like type-4 to me. Because the section is not a doubly polished one for the probe, I cannot analyze the grains to make sure it is an H chondrite (or look at the abundance of metal to make the same determination), but the chondrule sizes seem to fit the H group. So, my guess is that it is an H4."

Clear Skies,
Mark Bostick

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