
QMIG update

First polished thin-slide piccy is up - yeh - i know this one is gross - hot 
off the press at 1200 dpi from my scanner - twas 20 meg before I bashed it 
into a more manageable jpeg - I'm trying to organise some better ones thru 
the petrology lab now... its a start tho - it may be the first but it won't 
be the last tho I may shed a few tears when pieces are sacrificed to the 
polished thin-slide god

Useful links page up - my sincere thanx to the Mike types - how come there 
are so many dealers called Mike in the USA ??? is it on the job application 
and duty statement ???

Humour page is up - there is gonna be a prize for the best picture or 
cartoon to grace a t-shirt - over to you guys - submit your best - or 
worst - meteorite related ONLY tho


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