Hi List,  About a year ago I posted the  list for some of you to view an 
interesting breccia I had found.  Several  people took a look at my photos and 
agreed the stuff was quite interesting but  no conclusions were drawn.

Does any one want to look at some pics and  tell me if this material is a 
possible impactacite and, who I could send a  sample to?

A year ago I had found only two stones and no more. Since  then the state 
has started a highway widening project fronting my land and they  are moving 
a couple million cubic yards out of a hill side and spreading in on  low 
spots (some on my land).  This has opened up acres of pool table smooth  fresh 
digs to look over.  (While dodging the earth moving equipment!)   I have 
found many more samples.  I am wondering if it is worth the effort  to look for 

About 14 thousand years ago Lake Bonneville drained  through the valley 
here and deposited quite a variety of materials all the way  from Utah.  This 
breccia is found down low in the valley and I can not find  any on the 
exposed canyon walls or up on the shelf.  This leads me to think  it was 
in the Great Bonneville Wash Out.

I know this sounds  crazy, but have there been any theories of Lake 
Bonneville (The Great Salt Lake)  having an impact origin???

Email me to view a few pics and share your  opinion.

Thanks,  Tom Phillips  

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