Good morning list.I have a 70.5 grams fragment and a
519 gram individual of mali.That is what I will call
it.I hope to have a few more soon.Of the 2 pieces I
have I can differently see the differences vs. this
against bassikounou.They are both highly magnetic,thus
suggesting an H class,but to me that is where it
ends.Unless I get a slice of mali,which if anyone has
I will buy it from you,only then will I really know
the difference.But looking at my fragment and my
individual I can see the darker matrix along with the
extreme metal flecks that originate inside mali vs.
bassikounou.The fusion crust is darker and in my
fragment there are hints of some light shocking and
none in bassikounou.I also have a 133 gram of oum
dreyga,and they look completely different.To me it is
the metal in mali that really stands out.And from what
my source has said,it is a good time to start getting
some of this,because like gas in this country,the
price per gram is going up.So the $3 and up per gram
will start hitting the market.Get while it is hot.

                        steve arnold,chicago

Steve R.Arnold,chicago,Ill,Usa!!
       The Asteroid Belt!
      Collecting Meteorites since 06/19/1999
      Ebay I.D. Illinoismeteorites

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