No sooner did I send the previous mail and I noticed that there are
actually 6 other meteorite related lies on the site (not one as I stated
below). Just choose 'Database of lies' and search for meteorite.

Apologies for the additional mail...


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Meteorite related lie of the day
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2006 05:17:39 +0100
From: matt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all...

Just noticed that my homepage of choice "Dave's Web of Lies" ( ) has a meteorite related lie of the day
today (Monday, 7th August 2006), it's not one of their best by a long
shot, but I thought it was worth a quick mention, particularly if you've
not seen the site before (the site has existed for 10 years or more):

'On June 12, 1984 a meteorite the exact shape and size of a typical
South American llama burned out over Grover, South Carolina, U.S.A. It
was seen by no one.'

Clicking on the word meteorite on the site brings up their only other
meteorite related lie, a far superior lie in my opinion!

Totally off-topic is my all time favorite lie is visible at



(note: this is my first metlist post from this email account, I was an
infrequent poster under my previous @urbanspaceman account, so
'welcomes' are not required, although I would welcome them nonetheless :)

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