Hi list and good morning.I am like most on this list,LETS END THIS THREAD
.and move on to REAL meteorites.I do though give Gary total credit for
what he did.He went to the owner to tell him what the rock PROBABLY is and
what we all know what it is not.Everone is in titled to their own
opinion.If that was a real mars rock,the minister could give it all away
to all his flock and make them never have to work a day in lives again.But
for some of the our distinguished meteorite panel to knock the guy who has
nothing to do with this list is not right.Everyone has put in their 2
cents worth and it has all been noted by the meteorite community.I am
putting in my money so I think it should end and lets get back to real
rocks.You do have to admit,it does really look WEIRD.Again cudos to Gary
for taking time out of his schedule to finally and hopefully put an end to
this farce and we all can get to what is really meaningful to us
all,METEORITES.In my paltry collection I do not even own a mars piece.But
when the time is right you never know.But for now thanks again Gary and
thanks for letting us know what we all wanted to know about that big rock.

                                     Steve Arnold,Chicago,USA!!

Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120 

Illinois Meteorites,Ltd!

website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.com

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