Well I am at homeback safe and sound.This was my best tucson show ever.I
want to thank everyone for making my 5 day stay wonderful.I came home with
24 new meteorites,including 4 new bob haag specimens from his private
collection.I want to thank bob c. for letting me stay with him again.He
was the consamet host.Thanks again bob.I'll be back next year looking for
more deals and meeting great people.I won 5 auctions in bloods auction.I
also won 3 in al langs auction.So over all I did very well.On my last day
yesterday,I went back to bob haags and picked up a 176 gram slice of MACY
with a huss number.So I did good.Thanks to blaine for keeping the wine
flowing,and I really thank eric h. for letting me buy that awesome 128
gram complete fusion crusted individual.What A stone.I am also going to be
getting a new system.So it will be a while before pictures come up on
anything.Well that is it for my tucson show update.I had a ball,Ilook
forward to next yearand what fun that will be.

                                    steve arnold,chicago

Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120 
I. M. C. A. MEMBER #6728 
Illinois Meteorites 
website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.com

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