Hi All,  I had the great pleasure of having one of the top meteorite hunters
in the USA stop in here to visit at my camp at El Mirage. HE and his
incredibly nice lady friend both had a really nice long visit with me and my
wife, Terri.
 I don't want to name any names here but he took his time out of his day to
look over all of my NV dry lake bed finds from last summer and fall of
hunting.  I just can't express what a pleasure it was spending time with
both of them.  They are true treasures both of them.
Any way I have two of my finds that were in my Meteorite pile from Jungo
that have to go back into my meteor wrong pile. 
 The first one was one that I had in my wrong pile but moved over into my
finds pile. It was not magnetic at all but had all of the looks of a
meteorite. So he goes back as a wrong now again. Now my number two wrong
was, the smaller Jungo that was heavily magnetic and at one end had what I
thought to be  large olivine crystal & gold . Well they are not, I believe
he said quartz crystals and pyrite. So this little fella goes back into the
wrong pile. And it looks like the rusty orange colored Luning rock will go
back to my wrong pile as well . But when I get a new saw blade I will open
him up for a better look inside
During the big rains here I had my Jungo meteor wrongs out side and in the
rain for a few days. So some days back I looked them over again after the
playa was washed off them nicely. I found what looked to be a new find in my
jungo wrong pile.  I opened up a window and there it was nice light nickel
flakes. After it was looked at by a pro I was able to add it to my Jungo
Meteorite pile that will be sent in for testing.  
Then on my  3  bigger NE NV finds that I got underground on a dry lake bed
near a big strune field where I recovered about 200 fragments at  Sonny's
strune field. Well there is a very good chance that these are from a
different meteorite fall then the ones from the strune field.  After they
get classified I will up date you all.
Here is my goodies I will send in
 I got 3  bigger ones from NE NV  underground that are lightly magnetic
1 bigger one from Tungston . the other 6 smaller ones will not be sent in.
3 really nice ones from Jungo
 I will have thin sections made and sent in for classification ASAP. 
 The ebb and flow of wrongs to rights and rights to wrongs.  So, I am now
down 2 meteorite from what I had a few days back.
Its all part of the fun of meteorite recovery. 
WE are now headed back into the field  at my no name location in the middle
of the Mojave
for two more weeks of Joyous meteorite recovery
Best Regards
Scott  Johnson
U.S. AirBorne Sport Aviation LLC
Eagles Nest Airpark
Sport Pilot C.F.I  WSC-L WSC-S
Office 509-780-0554
Cell 509-780-8377

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