Hi Mark Ford,
It seems that the spanish authorities sent in some members of its Army and a few helicopters scouting the possible area of fall because, according to the spanish news media, quite a number
of phone calls made by members of the public who saw it, mentioned a "possible burning AIRCRAFT". In fact, a few callers from Vila Real, Portugal, also thought that they had seen the same and
therefore, some portuguese policemen and firemen did some search as well, for a few hours - not "all day and night" as you wrote.
Having THAT possibility in mind, I am sure that ALL countries would bother!
José Campos
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of mark ford
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2004 11:45 AM
Subject: RE: [meteorite-list] New fall in Spain


Personally I doubt they will find much, needle in a haystack time, but it is interesting that the Spanish seem to be willing to send the army and helicopters to search all day and night!


Most countries wouldn’t bother. - Sometimes mankind’s response to meteorite falls is more interesting than the actual rock!


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