As you have no doubt already seen on the list, Ruben had a contract with Bob at the instant he >clicked on the "Buy It Now" option on eBay. Steve called Bob AFTER the transaction had been >completed with Ruben and ended up with the meteorite. A slimey undertaking by both Steve >and Bob. Bob as the owner of the meteorite should be held primarily responsible for this fiasco as >he backed out of his obligation and contract to Ruben. Steve is also responsible as he went along >with the "trade" knowing that the meteorite had been sold on eBay in the first place.

forgive me if i am missing something obvious here, but from what bit of information do you base your statement that Steve called Bob AFTER the but it now transaction occured? granted i havent forllowed 100% of the posts on this thread but i have seen nothing that indicates what time things happened. from what Bob said Steve made a deal for the rock 10 minutes BEFORE the buy it now happened - or at least before he was aware the buy it now happened. there didnt seem to be any foreknowledge on the part of Bob, and certainly not Steve.

sincerely confussed...

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